[Wild] vS Data Reaper Report #27: Not the Mage You Thought

Honestly, when I read this report, I was genuinely surprised to find out how underplayed handbuff paladin is. I’ll admit I’ve mainly been playing standard this expansion (as I usually do each rotation), but I assumed that handbuff would be the most popular deck by now.

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Indeed, i tend to see more and more of those. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the stats had increased significantly in the last days.

But you’d steadily just climb past the deck for the most part if it’s not sporting a high win rate and frequency or even meta value is high, the metric is really just showing that the APM mage is more fun to play than it is good, which is what I quietly suspected. I mean I personally could probably take the deck to legend still, though I only took it to diamond 3 and didn’t bother trying, though I imagine it’s frequency lessens as you get higher up.

Well most people don’t craft the paladin decks for wild now because they know what paladin can do in standard and this means incoming nerfs, also at the time when most people use their dust (2 weeks or so after an expansion), most of the stat sites hadn’t even established that it was a powerful deck yet or in full confidence with enough games played. Also if you do have paladin you have choice to play standard, which splits it’s player base a few directions and spreads it thin.

This shouldn’t be a good reason to implement a way to make the metagame more “resilient” against decks popularity instead of let people have to do it in a “organic” way?


Decks not reach that popularity if people using they aren’t have genuine fun.
So nerf they feel just as bad in a big part of the scenarios.

That way we could dismiss popularity score a little to let players have more freedom in what they can play or not while passing to use nerfs only for what they are necessary “reduce the power of overpowered cards”.

Instead of:
Mock people because they’re having fun with a deck that others are tired to play against.

I totally agree for most cards. That’s why you shouldn’t nerf cards that are considered as merely annoying such as hysteria, loatheb, dirty rat, galaxy, shadow essence, embiggen (although the latter has quite a high winrate in aggro druid), counterspell…

However, we do have genuine outliers, that are not only annoying but are by many people considered as supremely unfun (empirically, just look at the number of tickatus hate threads and the likes the authors got; compare this to hysteria), such as otk combos and Tickatus, oh my yog, and have on top a high popularity. APM turn 4 highrolls are not fun for your opponent. While other archetypes can highroll as well, you generally can still take the board back; vs apm mage you are dead.

I would prefer if every archetype had both a minion and a spell that does the same as Illucia.

If 30% play mage, the meta will feel stale for everyone. Mages hate the mirror, and everyone else hates playing vs Mage. You want diversity.

Maybe they could have a temporary deck trade in system, refunding 80 or even 800 dust for killing a deck with nerfs just makes people angry, myself included. If they offered me to swap my deck for another viable deck even without nerfing anything then I’d probably be inclined to accept.

Though it doesn’t really solve the problem that I’m basically going to keep playing mage because I have like 12 mage legendaries or more and only like 3 warrior legendaries and useless ones at that. Maybe something like trade a random mage legendary in for a random rogue, warrior, druid, hunter or demon hunter legendary. Though even then this is problematic, because I’ve bought much fewer of bad sets to avoid bad legendaries, so chances are I’d get a more terrible legendary no matter how you look at it.