Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have lived in every part of the US but the New England States.
And I don’t believe I’m wrong about what is happening in this Nation.
Even fifty years ago, the blatant perversion of Our legal system for the desires of the few would not have been tolerated.
We are quickly on Our way back to the robber barons of the so- called Gilded age.
I’m not sure how this relates to what I said.
I’m saying they printed a lot of strong 1 rune cards in the new set, which encourage mixing runes. Like if you wanna run Thassarian and Death Growl you need to at least mix 1 frost and 1 unholy.
A lot of the new blood cards are heavy tempo cards too, encouraging a blend with unholy or frost cards.
People sort of look at the rune system strangely. It’s not 10 distinct archetypes within 1 class, as if it’s like 10 mini-classes or something. There’s crossover. So you’re really debating how much into one rune archetype you want to go to make your deck work.
I think it’s all moot as long as Vampiric Blood/Frost Wyrm’s Fury/Grave Strength (and Marrowgar, Marrow Manipulator really) are so strong, but maybe the new stuff is good enough to push people into mixing runes more to make specific decks.
What are you talking about?
They would have killed my black great grandfather if he had shown up to many parts of the USA with his blonde wife.
OK, maybe not 50 years ago, maybe 60. Absolutely 100 years ago when they got married.
They were coming to my tiny island for black Army musicians in World War 1 because they couldn’t fill one band since they didn’t give black people music education.
And now they’re banning our history because it’s embarrassing.
50 years isn’t far off, honestly.
Alabama was the last state to officially legalize interracial marriage.
In 2000.
I havent expected any competence/good thing in past 3years or so
DK do not suffer this maybe because its too recent. They didn’t have any card rotating out yet, and very few archetypes were pushed so far, so they remain consistent. Maybe someday they will try to support a blood tempo archetype, and control blood DK will suffer lack of support.
I see your point but im not sure you’re right. Like I said above, this phenomenon has not occurred yet probably because they printed a quite small amount of cards yet, once they print more cards, maybe we will see some of them not fitting in their colour.
And you already have a rune that has two different archetypes. You have frost aggro death knight, and burst death knight. The two archetypes share a lot of cards in common (and the same rune colour) but they have very different win conditions.
And if you take marrow manipulator, you have a card that fits into one archetype and not the other. It’s a very strong card in frost aggro, but doesn’t fit into the frost combo burst, with glacial advance, and lady deathwhisper. Lady deathwhisper, herself, doesn’t fit at all in the frost aggro deathknight.
I may criticise the devs a lot these days. But the fact I’m still here after 4 years speaks volumes. I wasn’t around for the Ben Brode era, but from what I’ve heard the guy was far too rigid in his thinking, and his attitude towards things like balance changes is clearly horrendous in hindsight. I think I would have got tired of the game a lot quicker.
That said DK holds no appeal for me right now. Everything about them is so…generic. In theory the rune system is neat but there won’t ever be enough cards of each rune in standard for it to make an impact in deckbuilding…either they push the triple rune builds in which case…it makes no material difference from choosing between archetypes in any class…or they push multi rune builds and make triple rune pointless…or they give half baked support to everything and you end up with Warrior mkII, only with broken cards (until people are tired of it, then straight to the dumpster it goes). Corpses…so soon after infuse? Yeah not convinced by that.
Yeah, Undertaker, Mysterious Challenger, and Shuddereock metas lasted FAR too long. It’s a testament to how much people liked Hearthstone that the game didn’t crash and burn. It did start tanking (relative to itself) after Grand Tournament, though.
Imagine if Blizzard’s reaction to 3-mana Construct Quarter and Blazing Transmutation on Gnoll had been, “just leave it and let people make counters.” That was the attitude back then. That two-week meta where only Frost DK, Evolve Shaman, Blood DK, and Control Priest could exist would’ve stretched all the way to rotation.
Not really, since Mall exists.
Mall demonstrates that someone can (claim to) hate this game but still continue to stick around. Even if he doesn’t spend real money on the game, the fact he pads the numbers and generate attention with posts is helping Bliz indirectly. Acti-Bliz lives basically rent free in his head
I know at least one other poster who claims he quit games in general but still posts here.
You’re right. But I was referring to what they are doing with so called “originalism”, which only seems to apply when it suits their agenda.
And what they are doing is trying to silence an entire race on their way to revisionism.
Not unlike other would be totalitarians.
DK has multiple damage specs and a tank spec in wow. Not seeing how this is not in keeping with the lore.
Besides the fact that it will slow down as cards rotate/change.
Part of the issue is that it has a whole kit that needed to work to bring users and here it is. I think the issues are more about newness than ongoing balance.
Further, I’m sure they will adjust it in the new round of balance that’s coming in the next three weeks if it continues to over-perform.
Oldschool Maly rogue and freeze mage were combo decks.
I mean an HS equivalent to a mono red aggro/burn deck in MtG. I don’t think there’s been that kind of deck in HS.
Also, math is quite correct in grammar and usage, in Canadian or American English. Maths would be correct outside of North America.
Besides, the guy left you enough to pick away at without having to bring literacy into it.
Everyone knew DK would be op after rotation. They will be top class (unless biased nerfs) for this and next expansion, deal with it.
[quote=“SparkyElf-2852, post:50, topic:105409, full:true”]]
And I can totally understand why. I could also add how some people nowadays are proud of things they used to or are supposed to be ashamed of, including ignorance, but that’d probably be a big digression.
When did the.conversation shift to Conservative voters and the strategies used to appeal to them?
There is no voting block that is without significant quantities of ignorant people.
or lolPriest with the “copy from opponent” replaced with “discover a great class card”
annoying that their HP scales outside of the normal range makes it extra annoying due to it outraging some outside control / combo decks ?
I’d like to see that happen some day, because there are plenty of rubbish concepts today pushed in a matter-of-course fashion and touted as ‘mainstream’ (ironically, it’s quite the opposite — I wouldn’t say that they are so ardently supported by an overwhelming majority even in those countries, comprising about 15% of the world’s total population or so, that promote them aggressively as the One True Ideology) or ‘progressive’, often under the umbrella of ‘social constructivism’ (actually, little more than an infantile version of solipsism, except for certain groups instead of individuals, in a paper-thin disguise), despite that they are little more than some ‘horoscopes’ — including this one: there’s some ‘privilege’ somewhere in the clouds, it’s an axiom, you can’t disprove it by definition, and it Explains Everything; a classic example of this kind of quackery, in other words.
If you mean that, despite his… wild attitude to randomness and a penchant for a big laugh (‘BWAHAHAHA!’ Yes, that again), not even he would ever consider releasing some of the… controversial cards printed by his successors (questlines, Theotar, etc, etc), then yes. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing, though.
I think ‘Old Guardian’ addressed the subject in more details; I don’t remember if, or when, I reviewed it even superficially, but for now, I’ll leave it here as a further reference, I guess:
The question is, why have more recent offenders, which, as far as I understand, make the infamous peeves of the old days pale in comparison (just thinking of Dr Boom vs Astalor, for instance), been released in the first place, while Brode has at least refrained from such decisions.
Who on Azeroth are those?
It’s not so much that the theory of social constructs is incorrect, but more that it is routinely misapplied for the purposes of propaganda.
For example, let’s consider geography. The elevation of land, and features such as rivers or forests, are not social constructs. The borders of the United States, and the names given to rivers, on the other hand, are social constructs; they are what they are because we, as a society, have agreed that they are where they are. These borders and names have also changed over time as the United States has expanded westward.
Now the problem is that the term “social construct” has been tainted by utopian critical theorists, who have taken a particular liking to the term. (By “critical theorist” here I mean someone whose distaste of the status quo has grown so deep that they reject the worth of incremental change and instead support some form of totalizing revolution to destroy and replace the system.) To the utopian critical theorist, anything that is a social construct is something that can be carelessly discarded in order to be replaced by whatever grandiose utopian idea that they have in mind. As a result of this, social construct carries with it the connotation of being flimsy and imminently replaceable.
However, this is very far from the truth. Social constructs are extremely important because, if you add all the social constructs together, you have our current society, and unfortunately for the critical theorists, no, it isn’t all bad. Laws are also all social constructs, but if you remove certain laws (such as for theft under $1000) there will be real life consequences that are not good. Right now people are fighting and dying in a war in Ukraine over social constructs. The essence of the pejorative connotation of “social construct” is that everything anyone thought before me is stupid, but I am smart and we can redo society from scratch and it’ll be better this time and it won’t cost a thing. This is, of course, hubris on an almost unimaginable scale.
None of this contradicts your description of (the popular connotation of) social construct as a form of solipsism, but I think you’re wrong to 1) abandon the definition, which is actually important to defend, and 2) underestimate the power of the propaganda involved.