Why does almost every single ranked player have BM now-a-days?

I dont mind tbh. Its just a game and you probably won’t meet the guy irl so who cares? Maybe people just enjoy being smug, sometimes you can’t help it if you pulled off a really good combo or something of the sort.

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I BM sparingly when my opponent starts it. I’m playing Hemetless Mechathun Quest priest right now to grind 500 wins, which is basically a ton of card draw & survival leading up to the 5 card combo. Since switching to this deck I’ve received an insane number of “Oops” emotes from opponents I’ve gone on to beat.

Some of the plays I have to make in order to get to my survival cards look like blatant mistakes. I’m basically spamming cheap deathrattle minions like Loot Hoarder, Dead Ringer, Plated Beetle & Bloodmage Thalnos with Twilight’s Call, often killing them off on the turn they’re played just to draw faster, gain armour and/or avoid milling.

There’s nothing more satisfying than emoting “Not quite what was planned” right back at them on the last turn before I drop my combo. /feelsgoodman.jpg :frog:

and you can’t do it in ranked because you’re top 1 legend and could lose ranks, right?

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I’m not even R15. Essentially, I play what I want, in whatever mode I want. Period.

I don’t need to explain myself or justify my reasons to you or anyone else. T1 Decks are in casual: always have been, always will be - so suck it up buttercup.


I always hover around rank 4 and 3 but I don’t like to lose stars so I play in casual where I can just focus on winning quick or concede fast to save time.

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Whoa, what a badass…


If honesty = badassery then so be it

I don’t understand the complaints about T1 decks in Casual. Casual still uses MMR and if you face them it means you are doing just as well as them.

And people that are roping are just childish.

Yes and no. I like my homebrew in casual so. My casual mmr isn’t exceptional but when I wanna finish quest I just use T1 deck and do it there. Even then I concede more than I should in rank because I dw a long game. So my mmr may not be good even when I am using my T1 deck.

Guys, guys. Ws’re not saying you can’t use t1 decks in casual. Obviously the game allows it and thus you are allowed to. You are not breaking any rules by doing so. You have that option.

But, as it is less-than-sportsmanlike to bring t1 decks against homebrews and meme decks, you can expect some crap in the way of minor inconveniences such as roping and BMing by those of us who dislike your choice.

This isn’t serious business, fellas. Nor is it overly complicated.

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BM’ing people over their choice of deck seems far “less-than-sportsmanlike” than playing specific decks in Casual. You want to BM, go ahead. Don’t act like you have some higher ground to stand on for it though.


Nevermind how childish that is.
But have you never woken up in the morning and realised how dumb that is?

You are the one that wants to “meme”, instead you delay the game you don’t enjoy. Meanwhile the other one is probably just there to get a feeling for their new deck, or complete a quest which they will regardless of you roping or not.

You on the other hand does not get anything out of it. Given your saltiness you most likely lose those games, giving your opponent a free win for their quest, and you have to yet again jump into the queue and risk repeating the same thing over again.

And besides, meme decks are only fun when you are facing viable decks. Winning a game with a meme deck vs a meme deck is as impressive as knifing someone in Counter-Strike on the knife round.

Lol. Being offended by emotes.
My god…Be a man.

Did you just assume their gender? triggered I’M SOOOO OFFENDED


It’s a toxic game that breeds toxicity.


You know how many times I’ve beaten big priest with Lakkari Renounce warlock?

Not as many times as I’ve lost, but given that you have to be pretty garbage to bring that anywhere but ranked it’s no surprise that I don’t feel near as hopeless as you’d expect when I see that barnes. You never know what kind of crazy burst or removal I can renounce into after straight-clearing the statues, you see.

Same goes for any tier deck; I don’t win vs rhem as often as I lose, but I pilot my meme deck quite well. It’s the deck I use to hit r10 with each month, where the big priest/tier cancer becomes a little too volumous.

As it stands, you’d be surprised how little I run into t1 in casual. Not nearly as many as I THOUGHT I would when I came back to wild from my stint in standard at the beginning of rumble. There are so many fun games to be had, and I know i can win vs any given deck as I’ve BEATEN any given deck. Not surprising; I play a deck with a huge highroll potential in an already RNG-based game.

(I’ve also beaten t1 modern decks in MTG with my homebrew Tibalt deck. So, I mean… duh.)

Justify bringing cancer into casual all you want. There IS no excuse for not simply playing ranked. Pretty sure all of you have mentioned you’re somewhere around r10/r15 anyway; you don’t even see many t1 decks at those ranks, and they’re not very competitive. But ranked is where t1 decks BELONG. You put together that deck because it has the highest % chance of winning; and winning only “matters” in ranked.

Most of us can put 2 + 2 together and not get 5.

The good old Rope them back strategy has worked for me quite a few times.

They realise that either we are both in for a long game and normally stop or that conceding will just be faster for the both of us hehe

Would recommend anyone out there getting repeatedly roped :slight_smile:

As for BM
A lot of it is misinterpreted IMO
Sometimes after a really awesome awesome like I had a Tess Rogue game against BSM

Went all the way to fatigue for him, I had 25 cards left cause of AE lol but he had plenty of resouses and Water Eles so when it finally came down to playing Tess (knowing the spells I cast would wipe the board and win me the game) I gave out a “well played” or “Lovely” as Valera puts it.
Played Tess and watched the fireworks, he then ropes me the last turn and adds me after asking why I BMed him
I said GG it was a really fun game. Didn’t mean any disrespect. He even acknowledged like “those dam emotes make everything sound bad gg”

Guess what is worse than losing to netdeck? Losing to garbage meme decks which should never work. I hope netdecks wreck you and your childish meme deck.

They won’t. A garbage player will still lose playing a net deck and if you’re too much a pansy to play r15 ranked with big priest, you’re clearly a garbage player.

My BMing is qs much to disparage your obvious lack of skill as for any other reason.

It’s like bringing q Ferrari to a go-cart race. All things being equal you’ll PROBABLY win, but If you’re a terrible driver, you may end up flipping your ride and, well, you’re going to get laughed at a lot by better drivers doing more with less.