Who else uses an original deck?

I think the major difference here is that I do not recall ever having seen you use the fact that you design your own decks as an excuse for your ranking in the game.

The difference, again, is that you do this at legend or change decks to still climb to legend.

You do not tend to beat others around the head and shoulders with homebrew propaganda.


There is no such thing as Real Men…
There is only THE MEN…

(for those who get’s it)

i do for wild. my thunderfist shaman is still my favorite to play. it’s built around fist of ra-den. i actually workshopped it on the forums lol

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this is what i did the first time i ever got past gold! filled in what i thought would work well with what i saw from an opponent’s deck & had so much fun continuing to tweak it as I played it


The problem with building a home brew in todays HS game is the power level of cards. Decks are going to contain a certain amount of the same cards because they are so powerful you are forced to play with them. Otherwise there’s nothing you can use that will counter another classes similar power cards.

If you change a couple cards from a meta deck it’s perfectly acceptable to call it your own. There’s simply no way to have an entirely card for card different deck and expect to be competitive. IF you are doing it to goof off that’s a different story but i feel like this is a thread about competitive decks.

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Problem is, when I hit legend with an original deck, they copy it and post it on the Internet and says its theirs; then they accuse me of copying their deck.

This might seem funny, but this is actually not a joke…


I build alot of my own decks there was a period where i used alot of meta decks and eventually i realised i love building my own decks and in fact i do better with my decks then the meta decks.

In fact my first legend was my with my own homebrew galakrond rogue :slight_smile:


I had have a pogo hopper galakrond rogue deck I built that I refuse to delete cause it was one of my all time favorites to play in wild (which I no longer really play).


I cant say any of my homebrews ever got me anywhere in terms of rank, but I almost exclusively homebrew all my duels decks. I will adopt something I’ve seen recently that decimated me by another player. Like I have never had any luck with pirate quest with the cannon worgen hero. But now Ive gone heavy on the taunt minions and their spells. Then I got decimated by questline hunter and now Im having a really good run giving that motif a shot, as Im summoning a 2/2 deathrattle with my hero power, firing the 2 dmg spell that goes back to my hand if its heroic kill along with each spell makes my hero power flip back over and let me do it over and over again, all the while I added in some old inspire cards to just passively gaining their buff so many times per turn. Really good run so far, Im at 6 wins so far, a personal best with Vanndar.

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I have an original deck. Crafted by Shy and me.


More in Wild than in Standard. In Wild I don’t care about my rank as much and homebrews are more viable at low ranks.



but for the op, I played a jazzed up standard deck in wild for a year, but quest mage killed it. perhaps 4 cards changed…

I once played against someone with a homebrew and guessed enough cards to create a viable deck, the homebrew later became popular.(not my variation)

I had a full home brew Shaman deck that I got to rank 5 back when ranks had numbers…

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I make homebrew decks and also net deck—although it’s rare me to copy a net deck and not immediately change 1-3 cards.

I often will mess around with a tier 4 or 5 deck that I like in attempt to make it perform like a tier 2 deck. A lot of fun can be had through such experimentation.

Like Mal, I like the Mage class, so in some past Standard metas, I have taken decks like Highlander Mage or Dragon Mage to Diamond, before switching to a better deck to get to D5.


Every deck is an original deck.

The only thing that makes yours special is that it loses more than better decks.

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I made legend with 83% wr with my own build of sludge lock a couple of months ago before it went super nova? It was actually hilarious watchinf Diamond scrubs (like I am normally) trying to deal with that kind of raw power when they didn’t even know what to expect. Does that make me a deck builder? No. Does it make me good? No. Am I depressed? You decide.

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I don’t play these days but I used to make my own decks. I think though that unless you’re pretty thick, the decks you make are very similar to meta decks. The deck composition is kind of spelled out for you.

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I’m much the same way. That’s a huge part of why I always choose the weakest class remaining when I finish up a class’s 1k wins. (I’m currently working on demon hunter)

It forces me to try new things to get the class to work. I get legend every month anyway, so why not make it interesting by using something hardly anyone else is doing.

The worst decks just have the biggest room for improvement :slight_smile:


Also, in standard, the card pool is so limited. The tendency to see similar decks will be ever present


Personally I enjoy the process of homebrewing and play those decks, adjusting to the meta and repeat.

But I also get it that for a lot of people this is a lot of work they do not enjoy so thats alright.

more sad about the amount of people that are just lazy about it it seems

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i build anything i want, and i do whatever i want, its fun, its all fun

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