Hello Iksar, this will fall under the category of “necessary changes” when this card gets rotated to wild (players will be shortchanged as it only provides standard recipes, which are also not strong even in standard). Would this card be nerfed too, or added to classic set?
Anything is possible with this card at this point. The development team has already proven that decisions on their part can be made based on new accommodations.
I can highly see Whizbang being kept in Standard indefinitely. How they could do that is through several ways.
- offer him as a classic Legendary
- keep him in the Boomsday Expansion, but make him Standard Legal
We’ve already seen them change cards, rotate cards early from different expansions, unnerf cards, buff them, this shouldn’t be a surprise if they keep Whizbang in the Standard ladder indefinitely. Rules at this point should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Let’s hope the devs see this and not be overwhelmed with the new cards and miss this out!