When did you learn the word "menagerie"?

Expand the list of books you read.

Want an easier to get example. An episode of the Justice League shows Superman’s MENAGERIE of rare, or nearly extinct, alien life. That is a menagerie.

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Doggone mess which I was reading last night had a menagerie of gorgons.

A zoo may contain 1 or more menagerie, but a wildlife park is closer to a menagerie than a zoo. A cattery may contain multiple breeds but they are probably all felis catus.

I am not sure that menagerie in Blizzard terms is 100% correct. ie multiple tribes but they still are all electronic cards. Or is just a case the word means whatever I say it means.

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All words are made up after all.

Proof? Because if a reputable dictionary lists it as not very common, and a random guy on the forum claims otherwise, whom should one generally trust, I wonder? :thinking:

:rofl: Ironically, that’s also the definition of a zoo, more or less.

It’s hard for me to say what the exact difference is, apart from connotations or context. Some online resources imply that menageries were a thing for entertainment, kept by the rich or so, while zoos are more scientific. I suppose it’d be a better explanation of the difference.

Yeah, an actual French word (as some other people in the thread have also pointed out [1], [2], [3], [4], directly or indirectly), from which the English one in question is derived, not unheard of in France (or the Francophone word in general) — how unexpected! :smirk:

How often do you visit a coiffeur or a coiffeuse, as opposed to a barber or hairdresser? I suppose much more so in France then, say, in England.

Considering how I’ve been a proponent of budget (cheap) and F2P solutions on this forum, I find this comment misdirected at me.

Moreover, let me underline that I’ve never proposed something like this — or engaged in… discussions like ‘what to spend $100 on in HS’, since I’m fully aware some people would eat for a month for that.

‘Fun’ or laughter without reason is a clear sign of a fool — or a monkey, I suppose, like if you try to show Mona Lisa to a chimpanzee, you might observe some giggling or dung-pelting…

I’d undertand something like a quadratic equation, which every sapient being should know or at least be able to master easily, but some kids’ animated cartoons from just one particular culture out of so many across the world? :thinking:

That’s probably one of the top the contenders for the most ignorant, narrow-minded, culturully unaware notion that I’ve seen on this forum recently.

That could likely be because you might have learned the word (at about, say, 1-2 years) before being able to form coherent memories (4-5 years or so).

(Some edits and additions made, typos fixed.)