What do I need to know to get back into Hearthstone?

I haven’t played in 3-4 years and was wondering what are some of the important things I should know now. If things have been added, removed, or changed that is influential.

Mainly concerned about the best path to invest my resources to get back into the swing of things.

For example, which packs or expansion to buy first, the deck I should try building for first for current meta, arena changes, etc…

I mean not really that much has changed other than the cards in standard, if you have a decent classic collection it shouldn’t be too difficult to hop back in. As far as investing in packs I’d rate the expansions to buy as:

  1. Uldum
  2. Rise of Shadows
  3. Boomsday
  4. Rastakhan
  5. Witchwood

In fact, I would actively recommend not buying many witchwood and rastakhan packs, just craft cards from them as needed.

As far as the meta, it’s pretty set and you can just go look on hsreplay for decks but the entire game is about to get shaken up on the 8th when the wild cards get added to standard. Therefore, I would hold off on crafting for a few days.

Right now, the cheap decent/good decks are combo priest, aggro shaman, quest shaman, zoolock, and murloc shaman/paladin. You can add me at BuckyBallin#1703 if you’re on NA and have questions, i’m on a decent amount.

The one change that was very beneficial is that you are guaranteed a legendary within the first 10 packs of each expansion.

So if you don’t buy Rastakhan or Witchwood as BuckyBallin suggested because they really aren’t in the meta right now, you can use gold to buy 1 pack at a time until you hit your first legendary in each. Of course, you can use $ as well, but you have to buy 2 packs at a time, and the price per pack is high.

Put down cash or get out.

If you don’t have a surplus of gold or dust, folk over the cash or get out while you can.