What are you supposed to do

Yes. I have a long post history of saying that skill exists and can be proven to exist with the data.

My point was that MULLIGAN skill exists and can decide games. Mulligan poorly and you can put yourself in an unwinnable position… so don’t mulligan poorly.

Are you like this offline?


No. It’s simply remembering which pieces of your deck go where. If remembering how your deck works is a huge skill bump, then the world is far worse off than most people believe.

No one can control (legitimately) if they will get three or four ten cost cards. Or if they discard, if they will get another handful of ten cost cards (or whatever your highest cost in deck cards are.

In those circumstances, one can only decide if they think they can hold out for better draw luck (and watch inverse curve happen), or simply start over.

And before the company got scummier and started banning people for conceding (because banning real bots is too hard), people could actually leave a game if their hand was too terrible to consider sticking it out.

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They ban for conceding now is this true?
I never saw this announced that its not allowed to concede. I do concede and leave early a lot. Why play when the algo wants you to lose.

Its odd they do ban now. I guess to many players started to adept to the algo by simply resigning.

Do yohu have link where blizzard does announce this or where it is mentioned?

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I’ve seen at least 20 people so far banned for botting and that’s all they did. No appeal worked. Just the bot cut/paste from the “staff” who should be banned for botting long before any players do.

And the fact they keep lying and saying they’re banning bots when players have been posting about false bans for months now here.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

You have no influence on what you from mulligan get.
If your starting hand is trash, you can throw it away and hope that mulligan will give you better cards. That’s all you can do.

Both your starting hand and the mulligan are decided by the algorithm.
If the rigged algorithm wants you to lose, you will lose, no matter how “smart” you mulligan.

Very good point. That’s exactly the problem we are talking about here.



I’m not taking any chances and just closing the game client instead.

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