I’m completely happy playing plague DK as I have been since the day it came out. I like punishing greed and stupidity.
It is amusing that Plague DK is the “wholesome” deck in the trio.
It at least has some variety in its exploitable weaknesses.
The other decks have 1 deck each.
Sludge lock is only bad against control war. Control war is only bad against plague DK.
Plague DK has some varied weaknesses, but lock and warrior are ensuring that those don’t catch on to punish plague DK.
Edit: after listening to the full podcast, I find it odd that Zach thinks that sludge lock is only tier S because of nerfs, when it was already shaping up to be the best deck in the format due to crazy power cards in the mini set.
That deck would have been tier S is most metas, not just because this one was nerfed.
I really dont think warrior and plague dk are good decks. They just seem to be a byproduct of some rock paper scissors that everyone seems to be playing. Warrior is just annoying because they literally do nothing but play removal cards for 10 turns until they do their odin thing. I’m pretty sure brann has been dropped competitively due to being slow and easily counterable but I think it’ll become a problem in a year or two when some of the counters rotate out (unless this expansion adds a bunch more in and quite frankly highlander decks are countered enough… might as well delete them if they add a bunch of tech against them)
Warlock on the other hand has a bit too much cheap burn. The (requiring substantial setup but doable none the less) 30 damage 6 mana combo is just silly and that 2/6 shouldn’t heal so the deck can at least be weak to burn.
Still this is more fun that druidstone or casinoroguestone which isn’t saying much. I hope they decide to either start adding in removal tech (something like shadow suffusion or that 2/5 that adds a 1/1 deathrattle) or gut the ability for classes to aoe every turn from 5 on. I’m tired of being forced into burn decks.
Two closers, tnt and astalor.
…. I like ya I really do, but plague dk is somewhat of a greed deck also. Like they can go full control mode and win games as well with their titan and Reska and excavate rewards. But I get where ya coming from here.
On the one hand, I made Legend with just Paladin so it’s not that bad.
On the other hand, yeah, a lot of the time it did feel like my Sludge Warlock opponents were just a slightly better version of my own deck, and I had to both draw better AND play better to win. I won slightly over half of these and I feel like that’s an accomplishment.
Warrior was a really bad matchup, and common. From Diamond 10 to Legend I probably played against Warrior 1 out of every 3 games and lost 70% of them. I don’t think I ever won after a Reno.
I dunno, people endlessly complained about thief rogue when it was tier 2 borderline tier 1, so I doubt they would enjoy playing against excavate rogues minus velorak. Excavate rogue is the spiritual successor to thief rogue, and arguably is better in some ways (tempo thanks to velorak) but worse in other’s, due to lack of stash.
I personally loved thief rogue and obtained some of my best results playing that deck, not because it was overpowered, but because it was legitimately fun to have to figure out random card puzzles to win some games, and hence kept me interested.
I think in general what this game lacks is interactivity. Currently the most interaction you have in this game is testing secrets, which requires guessing, inferring, calling or straight up testing each possibility.
Other than that you can assume a full board clear every turn, and if not, you can usually win the game. That’s how badly power creep has been allowed free reign.
You made Legend by playing the game?
Ohh noes, now what will people say to you now that you can show you, yourself play the game an have gone the distance to Legend…gasp.
It was never a valid argument on their end in the first place. Anyone at any time can say something that is true. You can’t judge the person saying the thing, you can only judge the thing itself.
But I know that I can casually make Legend in the first five days of any month. Tbh I thought I could make it in two days but I was just a smidge overconfident.
Not sure if your comment is tongue in cheek, but I’ll bite.
What distance? Lol I’m pretty sure I can make a bot that makes legend in this meta by repeatedly playing the first card drawn every turn and then dragging face.
Lol .
You’re good snow, it was mostly a joking jab cause I have noticed people declare to Scr0tie that he doesn’t even play the game. As a way to discredit some of his statements.
You can’t make one that makes Legend in less than 24 hours of play time.
Yeah that’s honestly why I did it. Shouldn’t need to, like I said it isn’t a valid argument to begin with, but it’s also not as if I can’t whenever I want
Cool, now we can disrespect him for not having enough personal conviction to stay away from a game that scarred him and sent him on a messianic rant a couple years ago. SMH
Wow I really live rent free in your head don’t I?
I’m not trying to make you feel bad Sigtyr, it is what it is. You can see above that it bothered him enough to just play some matches again. Maybe what was said was a beneficial thing? Cause now maybe he’ll give thoughts on his experience before a VS report drops.
As for you, I was hopeful they would drop some buffs to Highlander DH since I have read you talking about playing the deck. Your posts got me to consider it, but unless I see you excited and happy how its doing, I won’t bother crafting nada for it lol.
I don’t think he ever genuinely cared about that. It’s more like some wall of text I wrote a year and a half ago triggered him so badly he still hasn’t forgiven me for it.
Ooh… Well alrighty then…
It’s like anything else on the forums. You can post whatever you wish man. I personally think it’s cool you went an hit legend. So have a congratulations Scr0tieMcB .
You didn’t even make a thread to announce it or anything. Feels like you just did it for yourself, hopefully you enjoyed the Pally deck. One thing you could do is maybe highlight to people what you think are some of the best paladin cards and stuff now. Though of course you did this to a degree with stats. (I saw you mention Boogie Down before not being totally nerfed).
But noooooowwwwwww you can vouch how powerful some cards are against certain classes an decks on the ladder lol.
Not only did he hit it quickly, his entering rank was quite respectful if I do say so!