VS Report is out....and

Many decks on HSReplay, especially win rates, are hugely inflated. VS parses a lot of their data to remove as much false data as possible whereas HSReplay does not.


Any data from bronze-gold is bad and a lot of those players are not playing the better cards because they don’t have them and they seemingly throw down the cards with 0 logic, you need to realize this is like the bottom 5-10% of hearthstone players. I remember seeing some distribution saying that 50% of the player base was at least platinum, so if you wanted to see the average player benchmark then it’s around platinum. You can actually solidly play wild without netdeckers now because it’s even obvious that the writers of tempostorm aren’t playing the game at the moment and I doubt they have premium subscription to see legend stats on hsreplay, it’s a tier list that is far from what actual legend players are playing. I only really know that because I’m seeing much stronger decks on my climb through diamond than meta decks and when you go to a website that shows legend decks they are roughly a mix of what I’m seeing and actually once again several of them have high quantities of legends and people play their decks based on what they personally have a lot of the time even in legend so the decks are virtually never the exact same card for card.

If you look at the VS report, I wasn’t talking about bronze or gold. I was speaking to legend. The higher up you go in rank, the worse Mage does.

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I was shocked.

But actually, Questline Mage is Tier 2, at all levels.

The fact that it improved when they nerfed two of its best matchups was the most shocking part of all, looks like Big Warrior and Libram Paladin have replenished and added food for Quest Mage.

I am finally a believer that it could be nerfed. The lightest nerf I can think of is changing the mid rewards to give you random spells.

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I’ll do quest mage after reset in case it dies next nerf.

the nerf to illucia was obviously going to destroy SP and people who thought other wise need to stop posting in this forum because they are an insult to people with brains.


I wish they would nerf all of the Quests themselves.
I have played less than ever purely because of them.


wow you really are getting all creepy stalker guy right nopw

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idc dude this guy is always talk about things that he have no idea about and argue for the sake of arguing, he thinks talking a lot = smart. it is annoying.


your obsession with him is just as annoyong

its also harassment

build a bridge and get over it

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no this forum deserve better than these idiotic hypocrite people.


deserves better than stalkers as well

and i agree with ya on kills annoying poart
so many words so little said

but you are takingit to a stupid level

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Quest mage runs on toxic fumes and should be nerfed for sure. Shades of freeze mage spring to mind which also prevented any meaningful counterplay and was similarly nerfed for that reason.

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I’m not sure how it’s shocking that everyone is (still) playing Quest Mage; if a deck can win by playing solitaire, people are gonna play it. For reasons that should be obvious, really.

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would like to see the ranks where meta is diverse. Legend 2000 just mages and rogues almost nothing else. It is ridiculous. And i agree mage does not need nerf. It need rework.

Vicious doesn’t believe in Guild Trader in Rogue yet. :cry:

I got to 32 and went to sleep a few hours ago, looks like its going to hold at 36.

I ran into a streak of 70%+ Rogue mirrors and finally swapped Backstab for 1 Cult Neophyte. If Rogue was only <30% of matchups and I vsd medium speed decks with minions like Paladin/Shaman I would swap back to Backstab.

I saw atleast one other person I played vs a lot try both Rustrotviper and Guild Trader now.

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Flipping heck this expansion has been awful! The meta dominated by uninteractive bs like Questline Mage and Garrote Rogue ( how I hate this deck!).

VS can bang on about diversity and skill cap, but the fact is playing vs this sort of non board deck is painfully unpleasant, there’s no interplay, you’ve just got to play your biggest threat and hope they don’t draw well or mess up.

To top it all Priest now has zero decks above meme tier ( not that I’m sad to see the back of aggro priest tbf).

Holy balls, we’ve got more than a year left of this! Might be time to start playing MtG Arena.


If people are already bad against decks that do not even touch the board How you expect for they to actually have a healthy match and not get insane on salty?

By this report you can have a clear message:

If you not like Quest mage Just learn to play the game and climb.
Not even need to be as extreme as reach legend.

Actually the VS report states that Quest mage is tier 2 and actually rising in its win rate because warrior and paladin have started popping up, and taunt druid is increasing in popularity as well, and quest mage does exceptionally well against all of them. In fact, taken directly from the report

But, Quest Mage performs well against some of the best decks in the format that could further rise in play (Quest Mage beats the five best performing decks at top legend).

Not only does quest mage destroy the jank at all the lower tiers on ladder, but it’s actually favored against the 5 strongest decks in legend. They projected it on a stable course because its win rate is going UP, not down.


It was obvious Illucia would be complete garbage at 3 mana but not so obvious that shadow priest would be dead.

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