VS Data Reaper #303: Shaman Supremacy Edition

You are far from blameless in all of this.

There are no mods. WE are the mods. You have to moderate yourself. Its fine to discuss your different interpretations of the data, but too quickly you guys resort to ad hominem attacks on one another as soon as you get frustrated.

It doesn’t help when everyone wants to get the last word. Especially when you know you in particular are outnumbered xD

Just dont be so grating in the way you present your case. Being open to others opinions also helps. Your personal experience is worth presenting, but it shouldn’t be presented as the de-facto truth either


That’s not a personal attack at all. I mean, I can see in hindsight how you might think that, but I wasn’t thinking about any individual forumer at all when I wrote that.

Also lizard brain isn’t a very good insult, ALL of us have one

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my 4 bans beg to differ

If that’s true, do a better job. I need more support. We have bullies going around bullying people, spreading lies about them and mass-reporting users who confront them which gets them banned

Choose a side next time. Don’t just grab your popcorn and decide to drop in as the ultimate judge, jury and executor when you’re suddenly feeling you’ve had enough.

Why are you even reading this thread at all?

Why not quote them and reply to them? Why would they have to disappear?

Why not open a different thread, call it …#2 and say you don’t want us to join that discussion?

This is important for some of us, and we happen to be the most active members, anyway. We ARE the forum.

YOU have to moderate yourself. You created the scenario in the last vs report that caused the unification of other forum goers against you. I was, in a way, defending you. That does not mean that I agree with the way you handled yourself in either thread.

Scrotie, in his own way, defended you in the last VS thread too if you remember

IMO, that’s how it should be. If you see the truth getting challenged, you should always defend it, no matter how you feel about the way it was presented.

I am behaving like this on purpose. I intentionally seek to portray my personality as complex and chaotic BECAUSE I want people to judge my arguments and not my personality.

I don’t want a cult of followers here who worship and like my every comment. I want a dedicated community, dedicated to the truth, and not the differences between us.

And if he didn’t, I wouldn’t even respect him enough to argue with him. He would just be ignored.

We all have flaws. One of his faults is that he seems to be blind to the emotional and experiental side of living. He compensates for it with advanced cognitive skills and more detached, objective view of the world.

However, that also makes him a very hard person to converse with. Between me and him, every word is weighted and interpreted carefully because we know we are very different by design and have a hard time understanding where each other are coming from. But we do have a common language - logic and truth.

Others? Not nearly as much. It’s not the two of us who are the problem, it’s the others that come between us and get hurt as a collateral.

Truth is hard when it’s dumped on you without you even asking. That’s what happens a lot when me and him argue. Truths fall, truths which seem hard to swallow, and are counter-intuitive.

That’s kinda what would happen to a couch potato if he would join the tennis court while Đoković and Federer are swinging in the full speed.

That’s life.

The fact you don’t see that’s morbid narcissism, is what makes you obnoxious to half the forum, and a worse player too; you think there’s a coincidence that you waste a lot of time typing whole books in forums about how Rainbow Shaman “is in reality bad”; maybe if you didn’t think you know almost everything you’d be more humble and try to learn the deck.



You dont need to use a tracker to play the deck well. It just takes up more of your mental effort to remember what you played on your pupil.

When pupil was 1 mana you didnt necessarily have to have a good pupil because you could still combo pupil with sonya to get another one and if you had breakdance in hand you get the pupil back plus the 0 mana pupil would have breakdance on it right away.

Trackers are convenient, but i wouldnt say they make or break a players performance. I can see how they would add a % here or there to your winrate. There are times where it would be nice i admit to be able to take a quick inventory of your deck. Playing on mobile i found them to be a bit cumbersome so i have never really used them more than a few games in the past

The skill barrier comes more from knowing when and how you should go in. When you have to hold for the big damage combos, what situations you want to play for tempo. What to do with griftah spells that arent the 6 damage one. that is where i see a lot of people failing with the deck. They try to play it the same way every game without proper assessment on how to win in any particular game

I only read like a handful of posts on this thread and got overwhelmed with vicarious embarrasment yall need to take yourselves and this game less seriously :face_with_head_bandage:


Random thing I saw in the Community Forum

To be fair I think he was complaining about Buttons DK not Rainbow Shaman, but it’s still kinda silly for y’all to act like Rainbow Shaman doesn’t exist


Rainbow Shaman just reached peak performance at daily meta stats of hsguru. It was first this morning on several rank brackets; I’ve said before sometimes I respect even 100+ samples if it would otherwise mean not even listing a deck; but this time I see it high even on the default one thousand+ samples!

You know what that means: massive counters incoming (I wonder what the best counters are).

I’m just going to burst your bubble here and let you know there’s no such thing as a comment being ‘ignored.’ It simply didn’t catch anyone’s interest enough to respond.

So no, people actually engaging in conversations, rather than leaving one-off replies, aren’t the reason for your comment not getting attention.

If those 3 or 4 people you mentioned hadn’t replied, this thread would’ve probably faded away after 10 or so replies with no one else engaging.

If anything, you should probably be thanking them for keeping this uninspiring site alive.

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I dont know who you want to convince about rainbow shaman, but this is getting both tiring and boring.

Two servers top 200 and i havent seen one in literal days

Lemme know how many ranks you got playing that ridiculousness of a deck, hf

Do you lose a lot and play for 8 hours a day? Maybe your MMR is too low, playing mainly with lower tier decks.

:sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bro, forget that I exist, just, please, stop responding to my messages, OK?

There’s only so much ridiculousness I can take in short amounts of time

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Yes your MMR might be lower than you think. You play for more than 8 hours a day and you said you were losing a lot.

Why do you think your MMR should be high?

Ran into Rainbow shaman twice yesterday playing bsm at d3-d1. I run into the deck about twice a day.

Will likely run into it again tonight

They likely don’t even know they’re playing against it


One guy has the option of the concede button, or just suck it up and play out the game like a grown up? The other has their favourite deck relegated to a meme.

I’m back after 4 months and looks like we’re still ‘fixing’ the game like this. Has it worked? Is the game a glorious utopia now?

Blizz has doubled down on your preferred no agency win conditions since United in Stormwind. It certainly hasn’t made the game better going all in on blowout turns where the only option is to concede or watch yourself die in a way you couldn’t stop in any reasonable way other than playing hyper aggro.

I can’t speak for every one else, but I ran that deck for 30 games, having no idea what I’m doing between D2 and 3500 Legend. I went 20-10. It feels really strong, that’s for sure but it sometimes feel completly hopeless, especially vs Druid.

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