Vargoth Meta? This card is nuts

Catrina doesn’t do that much more for Wild Big Priest as it already had Y’saarj that does basically the same thing, getting a free extra big thing into play end of turn. Yes Catrina is better than Y’saarj because it can multiply but how many games would that matter because you are probably not winning in either scenario its like raising your chance to win from 99.999998% to 99.999999%. If anything it might be the tipping point that finally gets the deck nerfed because of the extra consistency of having twice as many of that kind of effect so its twice as likely to pull one or the other from Barnes and Essence.

I wouldnt say over powered. Right now though at rank 5 and below I’ve faced nothing but the exact same deck over and over and over.
Probably 15 games in a row against Priest.

All the same un interactive absolute garbage of a gameplay experience.
It’s not a hard deck to beat.
Tess Rogue smashes it because of Sap and Vanish.

It’s just the gameplay experience is 0/100
It’s so bad. Like I would rather not play at all until rotation because of this cancer it’s that bad.

Man Blizzard just fix Priest for god sake. Fix their classic set so you can actually evolve the class. Like all the other 8 classes have!

You keep giving them Res mechanics because it’s the only thing that facilitates their Win Cons in their terrible classic set, ie Devine Spirit/ Innerfire and Mindblast.

This week should be the shining light to show how bad the gameplay can get when that’s all Priest can do to finish a game.

Just nonsense garbage at the highest level.

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Notice how Vargoth Mind Blast Mind Blast is 15 damage. Japetto on 8 hitting Alexstraza makes it a possible turn 9 Lethal with the nut hand and draw. You can add in Velen and Malygos for an added angle with Mass Resurrect. With the lower amount of removal and clears its more likely something sticks after a Mass Resurrect even though its worse than Spellstone. Its looking like this might be a viable tier 1 build if it can defend itself early so another 2 years of Mind Blast Priest can be in our future thanks to cards still left in the forever set and Priest things escaping the nerf bat.

The lower amount of removal and clears means Priest has a much harder time surviving to 8/9 without playing minions… minions which will get in the way of Mass Resurrection.

…do you play Priest much?