Unable to start a duels mode run

I tried to start a heroic duels mode run, paid the entry and build my demon hunter deck, but when I tried to initiate the first play the game stops it and show an error message that says, “there’s a error on the game strating, wait some minutes and try again”. I already tried lots of times, relog in my account, tried to reinstall the game in my mobile device but nothing worked…
Please could you help me to unblock my run and the mode, as so return my gold, so I can restart the run?

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Try the workaround for this other Demon Hunter issue:

Note, the duel starting issue has been reported multiple times. Help by searching first before posting to reduce duplicate issue threads.

cant start my demon hunter duels run too. also cant start a wild game using demon hunter. was able to play standard with paladin.

is there an issue with demon hunter?