Turn that never end

Hi, I was in ladder in wild at rank 2 my opponent was TWi1993#2805 , i lose the match because of a bug the turn never end the chrono never end too, i can speak to my friend by chat, So i decide to ALT F4 and reload the game the opponent was at turn 5 !

Does he made a fu…ing hack to win this match ? Why no message of a disconnection ?

Do you think the game is enjoyable when you grind ladder and you lose a game to go rank 1and you can do nothing because of a fu…ing hack or bug ?

You might want to read this:

(In case the link doesn’t work, it’s the very first topic on this forum, can’t miss it)

Next time:

  1. Search before posting;
  2. Read and comply with the forum rules (which specifically forbid you from naming and shaming other players - so I suggest you edit your post to remove the name of the user you are incorrectly accusing); and
  3. Avoid using profanity. It really doesn’t help to be taken serious.