Toxicity of this game

So i’ve made 2 posts… about asking people how they make friends… not a single person wll answer me…

Am i really hated that much, that nobody will be my friend.

I don’t beg for money, i don’t call anyone names, i respect everyone equally, but i still get ignored… I guess you need to be Rich, or a Female for people to take you seriously…

I dunno but i’m kinda sad that… friendship isn’t welcomed in this game… anymore.

There is quite a few post that are for friends.
You can look into them.


I’m just here trying to get my pack to work. But I’ll be your friend. It would be better if you were rich though…just saying.


To be fair, this lack of real community is endemic to the game. Just look at the vitriol in these forums. Ask yourself, what benefit does someone have to be a Hearthstone friend? You can play against each other to finish quests even if your deck isn’t that strong in the class that you are playing. About once a week, you get a quest that involves challenging a friend or spectating a friend which means that unless your friend and you are always on at the same exact time every single day, you have a quest sitting there collecting dust until you do get lucky to match exactly right. It is far easier to re-roll that quest and not worry about it.
Realize of course that this comes from someone who ropes every single turn and throws some emotes in for good flavor because I would rather play against the computer than play against a person. Lack of real interactions while you play further add to the toxicity. Lack of any sort of penalty for bad behavior equally adds to the toxicity. If you do friend request someone you just played even to tell them that they played amazing will probably result in either an ignore or accepting your friend request when you aren’t playing followed with spam “RU MAD BRO?!” until they get bored and de-friend you. Don’t bother reporting these people because you invited them to your friends and asked for their vitriol.
You are better off talking your friends into playing Hearthstone, adding their Battle net tag and playing them than actually fishing for friends in this game. This isn’t real life collectible card games where the bad behavior during, before and after game play actually has consequences.


You definitely don’t have to be rich to play this game. I am not rich and i have every card in the game on NA and on my EU accounts.

I was your friend, then you called me toxic and unfriended me. Sure, I wasn’t feeling very talkative at the time, and I apologize for that, but I really wasn’t in the mood. Almost every time I can remember us discussing the game was just you going off about how toxic you think everyone else is.

I hate to break this to you, but I personally feel that you’re fairly toxic yourself.


Meanwhile I blocked you in game because you lied to me directly in chat. All you do is act depressed, which also doesn’t help

Oh, as for what that lie was you told me you were depressed because you couldn’t get a girlfriend and the next day said I’d been chatting with your wife. One of those is very clearly false, I’m not sure which of course but I would expect the first as a means of trying to make me pity you

It didn’t work. It’s not everyone else who’s toxic, it’s you

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Well i’m not perfect like you guys.

See… i dunno who raised you all, or taught you all things about life, But alot of people have bad days, and bad days tend to make people really bad or negative or toxic.

I may seem like that… But you have to understand i’m human, i’m not perfect we all make mistakes.

So i do apologize if you all “assumed i’m out to kill you all or hurt your feelings” I just have alot of bad days… and this game really doesn’t compared to how bad i have things irl.

So before you “assume i’m out to get you” Please understand not everyone is perfect, sometimes people make big mistakes, and learn from them. But still just because a person is depressed, Angry, or having a bad day, doesn’t exactly make him a bad person for life. If you think like that… i dunno what to tell ya.

Least i tried to apologize if i seemed bad or hurt anyone’s feelings… I’m only being honest… and if you have bad days, i’m sure you’ll be unfriendly to, So i understand i just don’t expect you to truly understand me.

But no i don’t wake up, everyday, trying to hurt, harm, or threaten people, I just try to go on live each day as it comes. Ya know ?

Okay, I get you. We all miscommunicate sometimes. I apologize.

So as an outside source in all this. I will break this down.

You added several people from here
You were toxic to them (all actions get equal reaction)
They were retaliating to your toxicity
You made post to claim everyone is toxic
Confronted about your own toxicity
You claim you’re not perfect but no one should be toxic to you?

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Toxic is relative. Having a bad day does not make you toxic. You don’t just have a bad day, you are actually a toxic person.

The lie you told me was not you having a bad day, it was not you just making a mistake. Your forum posts are not just you having a bad day. They’re you being a toxic person.

From the few interactions you had with other players on here you are trying to be the opposite of what your message actually concludes.

How does it feel to have a troubled mind ?

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I have a troubled mind it is intoxicating as well. The things i think about doing to my opponent(s) outright is intoxicating.

Anyone who calls themselves normal are in fact the deranged ones.

Maybe you reconsider the definiition of ‘‘normal’’

Dont watch television to much :smiley:

Television is for sports only rest of the stuff on is horrid.

LoL vet here, and being ignored isn’t a sign of toxicity.
Rather, there is very little incentive to make friends in Hearthstone. If there was a gold incentive, pack incentive, or even trading potential, that might help encourage friending.