Tombs of Terror(Heroic): New cards missing

No new cards. Also, gives you only one choice when picking decks regardless of what deck you choose including randos. Choices given to you are old stock cards.

This is a current bug:

If you are talking about the “buckets” they never update, Bob in Dalaran heist/Tomb Of Terror can offer you new cards and discover/RNG pool is wild so new cards can be gotten.

When choosing Random Deck you would get new cards. You get only one choice regardless of what deck you choose.

Yes I stated that RNG pool is wild so new cards can be gotten, and Joachim posted a BLIZZARD KNOWN ISSUE where solo content most decks can’t be used( the RNG deck is unusable temporary) so until they find and fix the “bug” it is a use Deck 1 or don’t play solo content.

PS: I suggest Finely in tomb of terror his 1mana hero power discovers so you can get many new cards still