Tombs of Terror Plague Lord Progress not Saving

Arent we going to get some form of apology in the form of free card pack, dust or gold since this bug is in paid content and has made people waste about 2-3 hours trying to get to a boss only for it to be bugged, if its a bug for a match fair enough at minimum its 30 minutes or less but for what is very well people having wasted their breaks only to be aggravated by a broken boss servers some kind of major apology that isnt just a reply on the forums

Assuming this is resolved, what will be done for the affected players? We’ve all (myself included) had several hours of progress wiped out.

I had used the treasure to go back to the tavern during the murloc plague lord battle then returned to fight again. Both totalled around 100 damage to him and he changed powers, but after i lost his healrh returned to what it was before that entire run.

The issue I experienced was with Plague Lord of Madness health total. First try was with Reno, got him down to 217 health. Second try was with Finley, got him down to between 110 and 120 health. After dying, the Chapter title screen reports him as having 195 health, which is obviously incorrect.

I hope you are able to fix this bug soon. There is no use investing more time into the content until it is fixed.

It was supposed to be fixed with a mini-patch yesterday (Fri, 20 Sep). Try again: