Cheap charge minions from nothing and OTK’s almost no setup required or counterplay.
This expansion feels worse than questlines before nerfs, just awful.
Cheap charge minions from nothing and OTK’s almost no setup required or counterplay.
This expansion feels worse than questlines before nerfs, just awful.
Member when people got upset if an otk came down on turn 9 xD. And most of them needed 5 or more cards to pull off too.
Lamplighter is so strong that it single handedly made Elemental Mage Tier 1 deck.
And what it’s doing in Rogue is equally disturbing.
This is literally United in Stormwind meta all over. Ultra hyper aggro decks or OTK combo decks.
There are like 20 things that need to get nerfed.
I actually think the fact that lamplighter can kill from hand so efficiently is fine. It gives people a way to take down warrior and druid, which have total dominance over board based strategies. The elemental decks do have a weakness. Since they have to run so many elementals it limits their spell support and removal capabilities. The majority of the elementals they’re forced to run are pretty vanilla and quite non threatening, and don’t have very strong synergies apart from the chain beefing up lanplighters output. My overheal zarimi deck is heavily favored against them because it’s better at getting on board and just goes face more efficiently. Handbuff paladin absolutely demolishes lamplighter btw (that matchup is almost 85-15 in favor of the paladin. It’s a total slaughterhouse). By the time we’re getting to turn 7 or 8 when they’re about to do their lamplighter thing I have time warp and cheese ready to end the game first.
You know what else is strong but not broken? Pain Warlock and Pirate demon hunter or pirate shaman, which are also very favored into lamplighter because they’re faster. They’re underplayed tbh. The meta has a lot of back and forth and it’s not really as bad as it seems. Lamplighter beats warrior and druid, druid and warrior beat board based decks, and board based decks beat lamplighter. I’m leaning toward thinking they don’t need to do much at all to balance things out. I think lamplighter is fine tbh, and I actually think unkilliax is less of a problem now than it was two days ago. That said, I still wanna see taunt removed from perfect module. That’ll take unkillix rez target out of hydration station, encouraging warrior to do other things. The sammich big minion archetype looks a lot more interesting than 10 hydration station grind fest. Druid is also mostly fine tbh. The nukes are annoying but each of its builds have strengths and vulnerabilities
The classes with the highest winrates are actually pain warlock, shaman, and demon hunter btw. The aggro pirate decks are quite strong, but even they aren’t oppressive. Some people are doom and glooming, but I’m mostly fine with this meta. And I can find a lot of fun in it.
Turn 5 OTK from hand with no set up. In standard.
What can you possibly say?
The Druid and Shaman OTKs could be successfully pulled off by a well trained house plant.
What about an UNtrained house plant though? Or… A Shrubbery!!!
It’s painfully bad. Whether I’m winning or losing, I’m not having any fun whatsoever. I’m just angry at the whole thing
I mean, you can like the meta, that’s fine, opinions and so on… But then you say silly things like “pain warlock is not broken” and everyone wonders what you are smoking. The deck was broken before the expansion and it is as broken after. How many people play it doesn’t have anything to do with it’s power.
No, more people won’t be playing Taunt warrior because it is painfully slow in the meta where you are dead on turn 5-7. There is a reason Zilliax Warrior is at the tail end of Top 20 best decks. And I can laugh at your mention of Sandwich Warrior. Yes, it is interesting because when you see one on the ladder you will be interested which deck that guy used to climb so high because it surely was not a meme deck like Sandwich Warrior. It’s slow and Ryecleaver is horrible, even for a meme card.
Yes, Pain Warlock, Pirate Shaman and Shopper Demon Hunter are the best decks because they kill you quickly. Add to that Pirate DH, Elemental Mage and Elemental Shaman. The only slower deck in top 10 is… you guessed it, Handbuff Paladin who can stabilize in the mid game thanks to it’s rushers with lifesteal. Otherwise it’s return to UiS: extra aggressive decks that kill you around turn 6 and fast combo decks that kill you around turn 6.
I’ve been playing Overheal Zarimi, which is a reasonably fast deck that can transition into a game ending time warp on turn 8-10. I think its fair to say that a turn 10 lethal is a reasonable expectation. And my win rate versus pain warlock is close to 55%. They have their powerful openers, and I have my plays that can counter. Injured hauler is one of my swings for example. Here are two games of me playing against pain warlock. With games that play out like this I don’t feel like it’s a broken deck at all. Just really really strong. And that’s fine.
The meta is allowed to have really strong decks. The alternative is a wet paper bag fest where you end up spending 15 minutes locked into a game till turn 20 because nobody can end a game. Some lethality is good, even mandatory. As long as it’s not over the top. Turn 7 to 10 lethals are fine. It happens. It’s a card game and sometimes you don’t draw your answers. Just shrug and move on.
But also if you try to play boaed based deck that is nota hyper aggro you will get dominated by warrior and endless waves of unkilliax. Starting turn 5.
This is legit by far the best expansion in 5-7 years the game is in the best state I have personaly ever seen right now.
It sounds like a skill issue or you are missing cards or your decks need work.
Thanks for reminding us how much of a troll you are
This is hardly the best meta we’ve had. It’s acceptable but it could use some much needed improvements.
Hey Blizzard, how long before you’re going to patch up this expansion? I want to know how long I can play these busted warrior control decks. I’ll have to go back and look at the stats here but it’s about 50% of my matches that are against warrior with nearly infinite control, board wipe, summoning unkillax multiple times, bombs that destroy your cards, minions they can play that eats your cards so you probably can’t play your own strategy, if you happen to get ahead they still have reno, just value after value until you gouge your eyes out and concede. It was a problem before and now even more of a problem. Really need some balance here because you took away reno counter. Perhaps the community can comment on how you even play against the deck. If you can’t beat them, then I’ll join them. Just need to know how long it’s going to last. Thanks.
The OP warrior deck that is top of meta already has a name for it’s abuse of unkilliax…Mech Warrior. Yeah you can tell it’s OP because people are spamming it the crap out of it. Makes sense though because you have to deal with unkilliax like 10+ times with the Hydration Stations, the Inventor Boom, etc. etc. A broken version of Zilliax Deluxe 3000 that they’ve already tried to nerf multiple times, then come out with an expansion that literally makes it the highlight of the new expansion. FML. I need to find another card game that actually has some strategy instead of a pay-to-play abuse of power creep.
I really like it. Like…
Do we really want less lethality?
That is making people play more board and even stuff like lamplighter aren’t really that bad to play against.
Considering all that unliliax spam as a late game strategy is kinda fine.
We can touch a card here and there but we have the meta many were asking for years and people want to throw it by the window because it was pushed by a finisher that sometimes can let a bad taste in mouth.
Personally i would just try to do something for the tourist decks that aren’t working and not even touch the tier 1 strategies for now.
Druid definitely going to be hit with some nerfs.
Bro 9 of the 11 classes have decks within .2%-1.2% winrate of eachother. The math does not lie. Stats wise this is the best balance the game has ever seen since i have started playing.
Look at decks Diamond threw legend on HS replay in the last 24hrs. Then click on the decls themselves and they all show this stat data.