People use Casual to test decks or, like myself, I learn to pilot decks in Casual more comfortably knowing it won’t affect my rank if I lose. It may be less serious so to say, but you will see Meta decks there, too. Not to mention people may play there while on a mobile device while on a commute and, again, play there because they don’t want to hurt their rank.
I don’t know about you, but to me winning is winning. Sure, hitting leggo for the first time, for example, will feel a lot different, but at some point you’re wins are wins unless you’re grind to reach top legend. I don’t think you’re idea will add any more meaning to winning.
Bots are an issue. On the whole, people do not like to play against bots, so you’re proposing a change that increases the chances of facing bots if you’re to lose ranks?
I think you’re correct about the facts and wrong about the ethics. Casual is ruined by the type of perfectionist who won’t queue into Ranked with their Tier 1 netdeck until they’re confident that they know how to play it properly, which is why Casual is full of meta netdecks. Your behavior makes Casual suck, have some courage and just queue into Ranked directly please. Casual isn’t supposed to be a mode for learning Ranked, but sadly that’s what it’s become.
I also like the “checkpoints”. In fact, I think there should be MORE level floors. Why not let every level be a floor instead of every five levels? You can still lose stars, but only until you have zero at that level. Then you need to win four games (net) in order to level up and hit another floor.
That doesn’t make sense. If you can lose stars, how are 4 wins a guaranteed level up?
Ah wait you: probably mean “you can fail [X4] only once”. That’s effectively a completely new “easy mode”. You practically GUARANTEE leveling up by just winning with unlimited tries and this effectively makes ranking approximately meaningless and mainly a “have_more_time_played_2_win” [it’s not even easy mode: it’s just super-easy-mode].
Some people like to experiment and see how their decks are holding up against meta decks. Few times I played unranked, it felt like everything was just basic and weird, so there was no point doing that.
honestly they should remove it cause a strat i found you can do is get to said checkpoint say idk diamond 10 or 5 and just lose like 50 to 100 games in a row and your MMR and rank become so desynced that you just go against bronze players so you just fly through the ranks i did this accidentally a year ago playing meme decks in ranked i assume it still works tho
Casual SHOULD be casual and bringing top tier decks does take it away (not completely imo)
However, some people like to bring homebrew decks to Casual in hopes to make something viable in the meta, too. Now, I’m not saying they are ALL trying to push to Legend with it and aren’t just trying something different of their own, but I have to imagine some people do this given it’s a good spot if to do so if you don’t want to lose ranks.
Precisely because they want to check if their homebrewn decks are viable in the meta, it’s good for them that cowards exist which learn meta decks in casual mode. Without those, they would never know if their decks were viable in ranked without playing it in ranked.
But I still learn my decks in ranked. Straight in the fire!
My reasoning being, those cowards who learn meta decks in casual aren’t good enough for me to test the decks against them.
Yeah that would be an extra blatant reason to remove it. And there’s no reason to not remove it anyway because of the basic reasons I mentioned in the OP.
I tend to believe they have it this way for PSYCHOLOGICAL reasons reflecting their players (i.e. they probably believe “the players feel sad if they drop”).
Hopes are a weird thing. I don’t want to deal on hope.
The point is ask yourself this question: do you think that your deck is Ranked viable or not? If the answer is “yes” then DO NOT QUEUE INTO CASUAL. If your deck can hang in Ranked you can explore your hopes there.
If you have the time to do this and it honestly works i say go for it. To me that is an utterly colossal waste of time but hey i guess if your job is HS go for it. For me i’ll just keep playing my deck and get back to legend faster than anyone trying that foolishness.
If it works, it’s in pure violation of the intention of the Devs’ design of competition (unless the Devs are stupid) [i.e. it makes the ranks feel meaningless].
Time available is irrelevant since it still contaminates it for everyone.
When you lose 50-100 games in a row, your MMR drops to the lowest on the ladder so you play against bots and new players who are clueless. That helps you win a couple of tiers forward, probably up to diamond 10
Now what happens next depends on the day of the season. If it’s still early in the season, your MMR has grown sufficiently to play against diamond players and you might be stuck. If it’s late into the season, good players are already in legend so you might continue winning. But that happens with or without the part where you lose 50-100 games intentionally, so… xD
I’m not sure if that “hack” works but I will not be surprised if it does. Last patch I was so pissed off that exca rogue had ~100% win rate against my deck; I gave up at D5 and kept producing custom experimental decks that kept losing; I don’t think the skill of D5 dropped a lot after ~20 loses.
Though if it works it may need 50+ losses[as you said] because D5 is very congested because everyone wants to go legend (and then quit(topic of thread)).
That can EASILY work against us. E.g. I knew from a early podcast sludge warlock was almost-OP[I said almost because back then Dew Process was even worse] but if played now it’s probably a lot weaker because it’s expected (and mirrored).
On the “hack”: I’m not sure if it will fail at D3+ even if it works initially since D1-3 Standard is the most congested+tryhard part of the game.
Who’s “us”? Depends on who you are, what your goals are and your situation. If you’re a contender for rank 1 legend, that’s true, you wanna be grinding it down as early as possible and you play hundreds of games just to reach legend. But when you do reach it, you’re top 500-1000 legend and then the real game begins.
It’s the most congested NOW, at the beginning of the season. In 10 days, legend ~10 000 will be the most congested part. You see that because you lose or win 500 ranks per game while playing against a guy who is almost the same rank as you.
that’s why waiting it out works for an easy grind to legend. It’s a cool nice tactic if you never hit it before. If you did, however, now you want more. You’re not satisfied with 10 000 legend anymore, and that means you need to grind it out and not care who your opponents are or what their MMR is. if you wanna go far, you better believe you’re better, and you better put in the time to prove it.
Last days of the season, if you’re diamond 2, you’re most often playing against Legend 25 000. That goes to show you how congestion depends on the part of the season. If you’re still Diamond on 28th of this month, boy, you have a lot to learn. It’s quite possible only the bots, newbies and legends are your opponents, depending if you’re on the loss streak or winning streak xD
P.S. I’m speaking from personal experience, I’ve been there, so noone should find themselves offended if they happen to be in that situation at the end of the month
No way that’s true. People keep reporting that they totally quit right at the moment they hit legend or they give up and start messing about with experimental decks, and it makes sense because most people don’t care about showing off prestige and they care to also get the rewards and they’re no more rewards at that point.