I do feel like it’s fair to note that for legend matchmaking. Mmr itself might balance even.
In addition top 1k legend, especially standard’s top 100-1k due to past tournamant entry prizes, ( i think like the top 1-10# of standard ladder could either play like 2-200 tournaments or run for top standard), could get entered into worlds.
Wild definitely had some extemely powerful decks and brewers but half the appeal was you used to find unseen power cards. I think these days most stones are trod though. But you can definitely see extremes sometimes.
Sometimes when a deck is autopilot it may not have much d5-legend potential since anyone can play it to max. Other times you see absurdities like a pilot with a 70-92% wr in a mirror match over 40++ games that just flat out statistically probably shouldn’t exist on paper.
But a lot of d5-1 players will often be good enough to climb and play their deck. Maybe it’s like chess where a skilled player will know the best play for 1-2 turns. A adept might know three. And a Hikaru level grandmaster will have calculated all your potential 20 moves in advance while premoving a guarenteed checkmate 14 turn away you haven’t seen yet. And then a Magnus will spend 2 hours staring at the pieces and making a Hikaru lose.
There can be a absurd level of differences and time investments but it is kinda true. Pilots in skill intensive decks can make absurd differences or even if discounted, long term trends for mirror winrate might be good too.
But theres definitely a balance between a game you do after work. And a game you professionally play AS work.
Magnus isn’t going to checkmate you if you play a game you have 30 queens and him 20 pawns. When even the greatest piloting can’t save a lost cause, sure they might lose that game and everyone can brick, even top 100.
Maybe it’s just that 60%-80% of the time they might be able to clobber most average joes.
Im honestly far from a defender. Just saying honestly that win margin and high legend having different winrates as players improve/master decks or pocket metas is known to a lot of people peeking at the high end.
A skill testing deck is a lot like a sniper rifle in fps. If you can’t aim, it’s the most useless weapon in bronze.
If you aim like apm jesus, someone may be the most skilled sniper in the game they know of. But if someone comes in biggerx instasnipes you and camps a lobby. Sometimes unchecked dominance is a idea people are more in love with the idea of than practice.
Chess is a prime example. The best player always wins 75-97%+ of the time by elo. Yet everyone thinks they would win out the gate and yet it’s often sometimes difficult to attract new players to it in real life.
Moat people play at 1 skill level unless they hold back. And if people’s experience starting a game is losing every single one, many people might just leave.
Rng is seen as a neccesary evil perhaps so maybe one there’s still a skill curve to hand them a 52-70%+ chance to win. But the other person gets a chance as well.
I think maybe it’s akin to surfing. You can’t control every wave, but if someone consistently falls into the ocean 60%+ of the time, while the other flies but occasionally gets tossed by the worst tsunami 10% of thr time. I don’t think it means sailing is skilless if there’s rng.
Just long term performance is often a more valuable metric for measuring if something is working or not. And maybe i’d argue if you have more pilot edge, you can afford to screw around more than if one who need every edge to survive.
But d5 vs legend is still a single pack, a single 1$ worth. If it takes one say 3-20 hrs to get. It might not technically the ‘best’ use of time. But i mean technically that’s like saying any hobby, free time, or recreation is a waste of time.
I enjoy freemium as a challenge but if you were paying 80-200$ for a deck to play it never and just buy more packs… “Whats the point of that?” is what my knee jerk reaction would say. But maybe for someone else they just play with a hundred 100$ toys one time. Or see it as visible consumption.
Lots of people will spend 1000$-10000$ on jewelry, not because they need it. But i bet you could find a lot of unhappy relationships if someone took out 300$ less on a pearl necklace to buy cards lmao.
Hearthstone is far from “technically rewarding” at like 10 cents of xp a hr so if you optimized the fun out of it. You’d close the game. Hook up blizzard to your bank account and wire money you’d never see doing overtime haha.
I just like collecting cards to like feeling “like a raid boss” part. Fremium is semi limited at the “afford the deck that can” part. XD.
If you leave me alone to my own devices i’d start drifting away from winrate to try and create greed lord decks with 26 attack, 80 armor and 20 mana and 3 otks and it’d be like some greedlord deck getting hate dms when it works. Fall over like a top heavy tumbler when it doesn’t lol.
Games are games. It’s fun to win, but if winning ain’t fun, who will stop ypur opponent from becoming a unchecked megazord?