Tavern Brawl timer bug

After I took fatal damage, I had a secret that made me immune to all attacks this round. My opponent was taking forever his turn and the rope-timer thing never showed up after a while. I’m stuck waiting for him to play his turn (if he’s even still there, it’s been over 10 mins) and I refuse to concede because I deserve this victory

Update: I tried to concede but it did nothing. Had to force-close the game. Was playing on PC

Was the secret generated from a card that transforms in your hand?

This is a known bug. The only “fix” for now is to quickly force-quit (Alt-F4), then restart the game and hope it reconnects in time.

Since the bug is client side, your opponent may not have been affected, or may have already known this and done exactly that. In which case they were able to win because you were still waiting.
After 10 minutes the game is now over anyway; I assume that when both people disconnect and fail to return the game eventually ends in a draw (or is won by whoever dies first to fatigue as the game keeps drawing cards and passing).