STOP complaining about DH

even tho im pretty sure this will backfire badly, i’m still tryin to write a few lines fot the ones of u who are willing to read and understand some1 else’s povs and ideas (not many, i know :smiley: )

so, 1st thing’s first, bli$$ releases a new class. OFC it will be stronk at least (if not overpowered literally), its simple video game business policy…u dont release new stuff that is worse than what the game had before or not many ppl will be interested in buying / being financially involved into the new stuff. every gaming company does it, especially bli$$ with all of their ID’s…after ppl got to spend their $$ on the new stuff, then u come up with balancing patches and all that…like i said, it’s been done before and it will always be like this, stop complaining and just think for a second…

now, onto the current situation. Again, instead of thinking ppl are taking the easier alternative and str8 out filling all the forums with their qq’s / rage / frustration. DHs are tooooooo overpowered, ppl playing DHs are evil, jokes, dont deserve to live, bli$$ DO SOMETHING or I QUIT is all u get everywhere…

so i do play a DH deck right now (ye, im one of those guys) and, after like a few hundred games on it, i’m biting the bullet and trying to point out sum obvious things about this class (that i have learned from my experience. i am not saying i hold the ultimate truth, it’s just how i feel about things).

1st, regardless of what we want, we all gotta agree that there will be decks which beat other decks no matter what (kinda rock, paper, scissors mechanic). now all of u who come on any forum and cry about being beaten by DH when u play a slow deck, i dunno what i could say to u…Tempo DH is a fast deck, just get that into ur heads. dont’ come with big druid, quest shammy or who knows what other slower deck and cry about losing, i dont see any1 crying about face hunter being overpowered for example…

now, about the matchups, just to show that it’s not all just pink like every1 believes…

pain/egg (or how u wanna call it) warrior and all priest decks are totally trashing DH (at least my experience with these decks have been 100% loss except when the opponent does mistakes and im able to capitalize…so these matchups are thrown by them rather than won by me)

rogue decks are usually favorite in the matchup cuz of the crazy rng they can generate, i mean i gotta rush them pretty hard and even then i wake up not being able to close it cuz of sum crazy lackey into dragon into whatnot…(quest rogue i found i cant quite beat tho…i didnt play many matches against cuz its not that common atm but what i encountered im like 1-2, 1-3 or smth)

mage decks are usually a win for DH, but in like 1 out of 3 matches, the mage just highrolls out of control and there’s nothing i can do about that (u all know, u’ve all seen the casino state in which mage class is atm) (so the 62% wr indicated by my deck tracker is kinda explained)

the new quest warlock is a beast i feel, only thing i got on my side is the fact that ppl are not quite accustomed with playing it at my ranks (im not legend, i revolve around diamond 10-5 like many of us). in rest, zoo can outpace u hard if they got the nutz start and gala lock should be a win if all played right

hunter is a generally favorable matchup for DH, with highlander being the only real threat (but as always, with face and dragon being able to snatch wins if they outluck u)

now, for pally druid and shammy, we all know their status so no point in talking to much about those decks…they can also snatch wins (ofc if they outluck u) but it’s not that common, yet again its not that common for these decks to beat anything in this meta so no point in bringing this up when claiming DH is overpowered…

with all these being said, i just wanna point out one more thing and that is DH as a class right now is the least RNG dependant in the current casino meta we have…no point in any1 being stubborn and not admitting the obvious i.e. classes like mage, rogue, priest (heck even druid and shammy and the rest) relying heavily on rng in their current deck iterations, yet all of these ppl are crying about DH…like !!!

and, if nothing ive stated above convinces u, then i got the HS grandmasters series as a final example, where we can all agree that the skill ceiling is there (to start with lol) and is quite even…what do we see in the grandmasters other than DH being a “pack” deck…like warrior has 80% winrate i mean!!! and quest lock hasn’t lost a single match this weekend (i may be wrong on that one, but still)…

some ppl will still fill the forums with their qq’s, u can’t reason with those ones, but for the rest these should be like fair points at least…


Dh is fine now it just took 3 whacks with the nerfbat to do it.

Highlander rexxar is next on the list for salt threads.

Such a long post, but you still don’t take time to write “You”… please take that into consideration when you’re going to post something in the future as it gives a little seriousness to the topic you’re proposing.

As for Demon Hunter, currently I find it is at a level where I’m “fine” with it. I still find that their synergy and card draw is overtuned, but what can you expected from a class with no prior expansions or cards.
Still took them how many nerfs to bring them down to a level where they only represent roughly 25%-30% of the current games (based on statistics from several sites.)

Honestly, DH has got bad reputation now because of it’s release, nobody asked for Pirate Warrior be made into a class for itself and in all honesty, the facedeck of the expansion will always get the most heat from other players and in the forum.

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i know it’s a long post but has any of u who replied here bothered to read like the 1st paragraph at least?

OFC bli$$ will release new content that’s stronger than what the game already offers otherwise its no incentive for ppl to buy new content thus netting no sweetz $$ for this greedy corporation…THEY HAVE DONE IT BEFORE with every ID of theirs (diablo 3, wow, hots, sc2 to name the ones i personally know about…just think of the new classes released in wow or in diablo 3, its the easiest and most simple example) and THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN. it’s pure BU$INE$$… after the fuss calms down and the sells peak, then they will start balancing…it’s intended, what’s or why is it so hard to see?! :confused:

Being intended does not means it merits no complaints

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I’ll believe DH is bad when I see the numbers from VS.

I wouldn’t mind DH so much if they didn’t go through their entire deck over the course of a game, drawing 10 additional cards. That means I’m losing to same cards every time, predicting everything they do, and I lose because I didn’t draw the right cards to win. I know their deck better than I know my own, because I see almost every card every time.


Fury, if someone is holding you at gunpoint regarding opening your wallet… is dollar sign a sort of SOS?

Everyone knows and most people don’t care.
It’s a common tactic, and the only way to take a stance is either to; quit or stop paying.

As soon as the game turns P2W, oh boi, the storm is gonna erupt but until then… stop paying and go F2P like alot of people, I’d been free to play for 2 expansions now because;

  1. No Time
  2. I’m a student, I rather eat and game.
  3. Not enough value for my cash.

mate, i’m f2p since beta, i’ve spent but time on HS (i did spend sum $$ on classic wow monthly subs till i convinced myself its not worth). the $ is the bli$$ard sign nowadays, thats all…i wrote all that wall of text cuz of stupidity i guess, no1 took the time to read it anyways let alone reason it…

I mean, I hate brainless unga bunga go face classes, but you’re never going to escape those. I think it would be better if there were more control classes, or if we didn’t have Feast of Souls for 6 cards.

Well, glad to see you admit to not looking at this in any objective way at all.

DH was the best class in Wild. Every other class had 6 years worth of cards, didn’t matter at all because DH was the most OP thing in the 6 years of HS history.

It was still the best class in Wild after the second nerf round.

Stop crying because they removed the easy button, which should have never happened in the first place.

It’s not worth the effort to read stuff written in “lazy texter”; I prefer English. So I only read the title. To which I reply: “no”.

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Fury’s saying what any attentive player already knows, regarding current meta matchups.

It’s ok Fury, some Blizzard employees play Hearthstone too. I’m sure just about anything we could point out on the forums is already known at Blizz HQ, and will or will not be addressed at the randomly biased or non biased discretion of dev team members.

Something to consider about Demon Hunters … they were designed from the ground up with meta in mind, whereas there was no meta when every other class was first made.

Well, sounds like DH is in a good place then. I still think they need to fine tune the class identity a bit, and make it ever so slightly more narrow but i’m sure that will happen in the next year or so. For now, it sound balanced. Good job blizzard

Actually I don’t mind highlander Rexxar that much, I usually at least feel like I have a chance. Quest warlock would be my suggestion for the nerf bat. :slight_smile:

I agree with OP DH in fine now, but maybe blizzard may need to look at hunter in time, but at the moment meta seem kind of balance. The nerf’s gave other classes the breathing room now to survive.