This may now be fixed. Won 2 matches just now and went from 145 to 97.
Blizzard repeatedly stated that their QA staff reads all posts in the bug report forum.
Shortly after you posted, Blizzard announced a fix: 16.6.1 Server Hotfix for Legend Rank Adjustment
Thanks for the explanation. But what we observed isn’t match what is stated in the post. In the post, it said:
This formula comes with a lower rating movement that happens post-game, which is why Legend players are seeing their ranks fluctuate less after a win or loss currently.
However, what I observed so far is the legend ranking can only go worse or stay at same level, no matter whether we won or lose a game. Is that still considered normal?
Today i was 202 legend , i won 3 games and my rank gone to 235 , is that normal ?
Its definitely still broken. Ashes of outland is out, i just won 4 games in legend and my rank decreased each time. My deck tracker says i am 15-4 in legend and my rank has only decreased. Needs a fix, feeling like my wins don’t earn me anything makes me certainly not want to play the game as much.
So I won 6 games and moved up 100 ranks and then lost a game and got wrecked 200 ranks. What is wrong?