Spirit of the badlands mirage bug

Good morning. I found a bug that completely destroyed the experience of playing highlander paladin via mobile. If you succeed in activate the spirit of the badlands battlecry, you get the infinite mirage card, right?
Well, from the next turn on, when you played the Minion it transforms into, you get an extra fake and useless mirage in you hand, surrounded in purple light, that you can’t obviously use but that remains and covers the battlefield if you “exit” your hand. For example, I wasn’t able to tap the hero power during a match for that fake miracle copy.
Another problem with this useless mirage copy is that the position it has in your hand when your hand is open to play cards hinders the correct picking of cards. Many times I tried to pick a card when it was in my hand and instead it resulted in make me to play another.
It is simply impossible to play that card and it’s a real pity because I really like hl paladin and spirit of the badlands in particular, but with this bug it’s a real pain. I hope you will find a way to fix things.


You mean mirage, not miracle?

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Same thing happened to me. I may have to take it out until they fix this

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This also is happening to me. Unable to play a mirage deck due to this bug on mobile.

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Def experience this bug too. Really ruins Reno Paladin using Mirage. I have to quickly exit and close the app and reopen it to rejoin the game. It solves the issue, but thats an unacceptable solution. Blizzard, help…

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Yes, mirage not miracle sorry.

Bug not solved in last patch. Good work blizzard. Evidently you want certain classes and archetypes to not be played.

I can confirm this bug. Mirage Paladin is unplayable on mobile(android).

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