Something very embarrassing the Devs admitted on reddit

And that’s telling you exactly nothing about Hearthstone earnings in general, because majority of HS players play on a PC and spend on a PC, same with MTG Arena, unlike Marvel Snap.

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You’re unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.

I would like everyone to visit that link and tell me how “fresh” it is.

Yes, please do, so you can see this:

Author: Jannik Lindner

First published: 7/17/2024

2 lines above, it says:


On the bottom of the page:

2024 All rights reserved.

A lot fresher AND relevant than last year’s mobile report xD

Are you OK??


The page is someone grabbing random out of date Google results and making a budget WordPress doc out of it. Jannik is a hack.

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Your imagination is pretty vivid when you’re desperate to find flaws in people who consistently prove you wrong

Yeah, umm…get well soon :slight_smile:

No he gave a good answer. The article might be new but the sources might be ancient.

It remains to be seen if the sources are ancient (they are not listed in FULL URL).

I just love it when I use my experience to say something and then you guys are like:

“Why should I believe you? Cuz you said so?”

and then when I post links and sources and proofs, you’re like

“That’s not proof, trust me bruh”

Okay, here’s some actual quotes from your source.

There are over 2,000 unique cards in the Hearthstone card pool.

There are currently 5220 collectable cards in Wild.

The Grand Tournament expansion introduced the Inspire keyword to Hearthstone.

Technically accurate, but who cares?

The most expensive card in Hearthstone is the Golden Elite Tauren Chieftain, which costs 3,200 Arcane Dust to craft.

Apparently completely unaware of Diamond paid cards.

The average cost of a Hearthstone pack is $1.07.


The longest Hearthstone turn on record lasted 90 minutes.

Also huh?

The most popular Hearthstone streamer on Twitch is Disguised Toast.


Bottom line: you literally cited someone else’s AI generated garbage click bait as a source. That, and you’re too stubborn to even check on it when someone calls you out. I know that you didn’t actually read that crap past the first time it started repeating itself.


Fine, it’s true, it seems I was wrong. I removed the link.

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While I do have to agree with Scr0tieMcB on the fact that the aforementioned source is dubious at best, I’m also sure you’ve all heard that one-liner about how some made up percentage of all quoted statistics are, in fact, made up.

Really though, the bottom line in my book is if I stop having fun, I’ll stop playing. Simple as. If I see the game heading in a direction I don’t like, I’ll speak out. And if they listen, great, crisis averted. But if they don’t? Then I just stop playing.

And somehow, life will go on.

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The authority wasn’t right, and it was smart to give a priority to arguments over authority.

And now you know why I always find it dumb to hear “I have better rank hence I’m right”.

Thank you for not continuing to be stubborn.

Although I hope you understand, I’m obligated by my own personal code to occasionally remind you now about your boy Toast, the most popular Hearthstone streamer on Twitch.

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You were probably spot on about the AI by the way, in case you said it figuratively.

It’s most probably what happened because of the random outdated nonsense.

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My roughly 30 second scan was that the article was crap, but I didn’t get AI vibes right away.

Then I posted. That was probably a mistake in hindsight. I could have missed something.

Then I finished reading it, by a certain point it was clearly AI

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Yeah heard that one before way too many times on this forum to belive it.
People just dont quit lmao, just yesterday a dude that “quit forever” came back after a few days and tried to pass it off as a surprise he was coming back to such a horrible game.

Dude got roasted for it, theres even a breed that quits every week and forgets about it.

I quit and unquit Hearthstone on occasion. I’m quit right now.

But I don’t start a new thread every darn time. I did the first time I quit. I figure I’ve already used my one, I’m out.

The problem is the drama baiting. It’s narcissistic.

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Not even for QUESTS? Oh wait I forgot you are a big spender.

I also play little now but I collect gold at least.

I’m not a big spender really. Haven’t been since 2014.

If things keep working out as they have been IRL, then maybe I could afford to be. I’ve moved up at least one tax bracket.

How would you know?

I don’t mean that in a snarky way. I mean it literally: if people TRULY quit, and stop posting and playing, how do you track that?

It’s a legitimate problem I’m unsure how to fix, even in my real life job. I work counter sales at a lumber yard. I get calls and walk-ins all the time, can you quote me this, what’s the price on that. Sometimes they call me back and sometimes I follow up and call them first, but I really don’t think there’s an easy way to track a negative.

I’ll never know how much business I’m NOT getting. Simply because there’s no data collection on it.

Similarly, how would we know how many people have “quit” and been true to their word?

Because people come back every single time lol, and not months or weeks later.
They dont go away and the very next day(few hours) make topics about the game and how horrible it is.

They make a huge deal about “its the final straw”, “im out” ,“goodbye forever” etc and they DONT LEAVE.