Sightless Watcher Offering Less Cards Bug


I encountered several times (seems a bit random) the issue where my Sightless Watcher only offer 2 cards, but in my deck there are way more than 2 different cards to be chosen.

I tried to click on the sides to check if it’s only a visual bug but it isn’t. I literally only get 2 options to be chosen, and the card says it’s 3.

Please check this out.

Please look at 7 -> 8. Only Ashtongue and Felscream were offered. Later its pretty clear that I had more than those 2 cards on my deck.

Apparently this bug is related to the cannot discover the same card patch rule. I removed the second Sightless Watcher from my deck and it never happened again, until now at least. Nevertheless, it’s a indeed bug since this rule should only apply to cards that generate other cards from a non limited source.

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Do you have a deck tracker replay?
Also provide your deck list with the in-game copy feature.

There was another report on this already. But there must be some unique situation causing this as there is not wide spread reporting of this issue.

I updated the main post with the link. Here is the deck I’m currently using. I tried to make it happen again and it didn’t… very strange.

Lifesteal Combo DH

Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Wild

2x (1) Twin Slice

2x (1) Felscream Blast

1x (1) Felosophy

1x (1) Ethereal Augmerchant

1x (2) Spectral Sight

2x (2) Sightless Watcher

2x (2) Mo’arg Artificer

2x (2) Manafeeder Panthara

2x (2) Immolation Aura

2x (2) Chaos Strike

1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos

1x (3) Relentless Pursuit

2x (3) Eye Beam

2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades

1x (4) Witchwood Piper

1x (4) Il’gynoth

2x (4) Ashtongue Battlelord

1x (5) Lorekeeper Polkelt

1x (6) Skull of Gul’dan

1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan


Here’s the hsreplay link in an easier for, for others who might want to check.

I checked the game, and if there was anything on the board or in the turns before that might explain this, then I missed it too.
With the full details of the replay available, I hope Blizzard can find the root cause soon.

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This happens to me as well.

Each time, I hover over the Sightless Watcher on the cards played side panel to see what cards the game thinks were offered.

Every time for me the missing card is the second Sightless Watcher in my deck.

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[BigHugger] Thanks. For some reason I can’t post links here…

[Ragnar] You might have found the issue I believe! IIRC Blizzard released a patch where you can’t discover the SAME card you were playing because of balance reasons (esp. Dragonqueen Alextraza discovering herself). And probably Sightless Watcher is using the same way of ‘discovering’ and got hit. So that’s why it happens sometimes.

My deck also runs 2 copies indeed.

Regarding sharing links: surround the link with back quotes `like this`, this will result in a link like BigHugger posted.

The restriction on cards discovering themselves does not apply to cards with a very restricted pool, such as cards discovering from opponent’s hand/deck or you own deck. However, it does not mean it is unrelated to this issue. In this case, the watcher should be able to discover the remaining copy in the deck based on the Discover rules.

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[Rhasimir] Well thanks for showing me how to post links. Updated the main post with new info and good link.

Well, it seems it’s indeed the issue (probably spaghetti code), since I decided to remove my second copy of Sightless Watcher to make a Highlander version, and the same problem never occured again. Well at least until the time I’m posting this. If it does happen again using 1 copy, I will surely update this.

This issue is still not solved and still happening as of today 2021-01-21
running deck with 2 sightless watchers and get offered 2 cards instead of 3 at times…


This has been happening for me as well.

This is now supposed to be fixed according to 19.6 Patch notes.

It’s not, encountered it again today on iPhone 11.

there are 2 scenarios where it can show 2 cards instead of 3.

  1. 2 of those 3 cards is the same (for example 2 skull), you will then only see one copy of that card of watcher
  2. one of the cards is a watcher - this was fixed in the last patch
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This not fixed. It is still happening for me.

This has happened again.

Has happened once more.