Seems the matchmaking change is good for casual players

When they said this, they lied. At least in Wild.

There might be very few bots in D5-D1 in standard, but there are swarms of them in Wild. This is because those aggro Pirate decks are so fine tuned and easy to play that you could practically put a chicken pecking the keyboard and still get above a 50% win rate. You just play the green card and your win rate goes up.

So there are bots sitting at D4-D1 because they win. And when they win, their MMR goes up. They just hit a little bit of a lucky streak and they shoot up to high MMR in wild.

I highly doubt this has as strong of an effect as they think it will in wild.

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This sounds to me like rank doesn’t mean anything though.

Although… in a game where the top players just copy meta decks I’m not sure what it even means to be good at Hearthstone. Seems like half the purpose of a CCG is skill at deckbuilding. If you’re just copying someone else’s deck, you’re basically admitting you suck at the game.

I’d agree with this. What’s the harm in displaying this information, for both you and your opponent? They should also display the Rank for both players, especially now that Rank is irrelevant in the matchmaking. This would be similar to how the Legend Rank is displayed for both you and your opponent.

That said, wouldn’t this encourage people to get to a rank floor, say D5, and then just concede 20 straight games in order to tank their MMRs and face weaker opponents for the final grind? As a D5-ish player, I run out of bonus stars at D10. But now if I just tank a bunch of games at D10, instead of facing other Diamond skilled players, I could game the system so I face Plat or Gold skilled players… at least for a bunch of games until my MMR jumps back up from the wins.

You keep bringing bundles of kindling to fight automatic weapons systems, so no doubt it feels one sided.

You’re not putting tutored draw cards in your decks, cards that draw other cards of specific types. The paladin ones have substantial bodies as well as draw.

The good news is none of them are expensive.

But hey, if you would rather tell everyone that you can’t beat bots, that’s your thing to do.

But make no mistake here, your approach to the game is why you are having such issues.