Regis review Deadmines Legendaries

This mini set goes to show how incompetent our Hearthstone devs are. If they are trying to trash the game while making money I’m sure they’re doing a great job. This is why i haven’t bought a single pack since last year. I’m done spending money as long as the devs fail to recognize the state of their game. They could of worked on balancing the game but instead decided to release another money grab game mode. I’m not even surprised at this point.

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what’s a archetype they could push for mage? I’m kind of getting tired of spell mage variants every expansion and rng casino is not exactly reliable. I think hp could have some potential if it had a little more durability. They seem to REALLY want big spell mage for some reason kind of hilarious since they keep making it obvious they want this game to be a 5-7 turn meta so it would need to be an absurd spell at 5-6 mana to work

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Hp is dead. Ping mage was great, but it got nothing and it won’t be playable after tomorrow I don’t think.
I’m not the person to ask about potential for Big Spell.
I am far from a theory crafter, but as a layman I don’t think We have enough
tools to make it work. Maybe next expansion they will give us more.
And yeah, in order to make it work they would need to give us the equivalent of IF, but even better, for big spells. Or; something like that.
Like I said: I’m no theory crafter, but there are players here that are great at it.
Maybe they have some thoughts?


They could Just Go for spell damage.

Most of the deck is there and It literally Just needs burn that doesn’t suck.

If we are talking for long term see could probably use a return of agressive secret mage to standard.

And last but not less important mage would be really fun with more overkill cards.
While overkill is bad in Minions It is specially powerful in spells.

On a special note:
Mage could get more ways to lessen the opponent capacity of removing minions via spells.
After all why a spell class have it’s minions so easy to be removed by spells?

I would love to see this happen.
It has been a long time.

Nah, charge needs to come back. We live in an age where spell/quest mage decks are considered bad after all. Or that weapon rogue deck that works on some decks but not others (and can be ruined with weapon break anyway)

If it’s ok for a mage to build up quest/discounts to nuke people through taunts, it’s ok for minion decks to build up some discounts/minion buffs then charge people that could actually be stopped by taunts

People on reddit pointed out this is leeroy (but better), but even since classic it’s been pointed out that leeory is just fireball level of damage. Yeah, there were/are combos that buff leeroy burst beyond that, but again, people can combo spells too (back in the day mages had anty combo, which was literally a OTK). We used to have maly druids in the mix too. Sometimes shamans join in on the fun. Miracle rogue itself isn’t just all leeroys - they use weapons and spells (evis, wicked stab, garrote) too

Amusingly, the one class that has had the least synergies with charge is paladins, and people complain how paladin just seem to get better cards. Well, that’s kinda expected. Since pallies can’t charge or weapon you to death (that’s another thing, pallies have weapons, but they can’t buff them to the point they’re the main source of damage), they kinda have to brute force overpower you on the board. Or they get some esoteric OTK like DK uther or holy wrath.

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I don’t think the mr smite from juggernaut thing will happen too often just because they are adding so many pirates to the pool. I have a feeling that this is exactly why they are adding so many pirates. When it does happen though, that’s gg for sure.

Spells that summon minions with minions that create spells could be something.

Questline Warrior is already a formidable contender. After this miniset, I fear it will be all we see and OP (goes without saying).