Ranked delay bug

Started a ranked match last night with my rush warrior deck, got put against a priest, not sure what the deck build was, but it seemed to be 90% spells, was thrashing him at every turn, usual priest silencing and knocking down my minions slowly, he was running the new priest quest “seek guidance” he finished the first part of the quest and half of the 2nd by playing a 6 cost.

After I played my troublemaker (summon 2 3/3 ruffians at the end of your turn) he pulled a card from his deck, held it and intermittently swapped from the card to holding his priest hero power, waited over 30 minutes for a timer rope or text to hurry up and got nothing. Permanent turn hold?

You got disconnected from the game server. For details Endless turn, Card Stuck Hovering, and Never Roping