Random Favorite Cosmetics Bug

Random favorite coins and skins don’t work properly. I have 2 coins favorited, the Coinstelation TITANS one and the ETC Coin, and whenever I start a match, I only get the default coin. The same thing happens with skins, I had two favorited, Morgl the Oracle and Mechaconduit Thrall, and often when I’d start a match I only got the default Thrall skin. This only started happening once I reached Legend this season.

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I haven’t noticed the issue with favorite skins but am experiencing the same issues with the coins. Not in Legend (yet? LOL) ran a Scan and Repair but it didn’t resolve.

This is a current bug.


I’m also having the issue where my favorited hero for a deck continues to reset.

Tech Info:
Hearthstone Version - 29.2.198314
OS - iOS 17.4.1
Hardware - iPhone Xs