Quit nerfing all the interesting and fun decks

There’s a supernova deck which kinda works, I made a thread about it.

It’s not strong, but it’s fun and playable in top 1-9k, confirmed


There is definitely variety when it comes to mage. I have 10 mage decks at the moments, which is unheard of for me. Ofc, they don’t really work, most of them, but they all fit your descriptions, pieces without the glue, and I expect the glue to show up the next 2 expansions, just like it did with Elly Mage (elementals have been coming out for 2-3 expansions in a row).

And it would be unfair to expect multiple decks of the same class in the top competitive levels. Unfortunately, those unfair scenarios happen a lot in this game, as right now we have 2 shamans, before that we had 3 warlocks, and before that we had 2 warriors.

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