Questlock will not be permitted to hold Alterac hostage

Yuppers, I have faced that list a lot, and about the only build I have success with against it is as you have said celestial druid, I switch to celestial when I start seeing a ton of warlocks.

My beast hunter does okay against it as well, especially when I start getting 8/7 and 7/6 woppertingers on turn 6 and 7, but it is still 50/50 in whether I can kill before that list fatigues me to death

Edit: what is bad though is that I don’t like the play style of celestial druid deck but it is about the only way I can think of consistently countering that deck. I wonder, How does jambre’s miracle priest deck do against it? The one with banana vendor? Or is that pure meme?

That’s good news and all but does anybody here think that the slower archetypes pushed in Alterac Valley have any chance against The Demon Seed? Wouldn’t it be better to just preemptively nerf it already?
Still, thankfully I don’t expect to see many of the current top tier decks in the first few weeks since they barely got any support (outside of maybe Paladin). Of the new cards, there’s a couple I’m going to predict as potential nerf candidates (at the risk of being laughably wrong): the Kurtrus hero card and the 1/2 Trogg that copies himself. The Scabbs hero card and the 3/5 resurrecting legendary seem very strong as well. We’ll see.

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Id rather they would just man up and admit the queslines are mistakes that shouldnt have been made in the first place. And when it comes to seedlock the fix is very simple, remove fatigue damage from the equation. They just dont want to. OP questlines are “fun”?


nope any slower midrange decks will be losing to questlock most of time. they have card draw, board clear, healing and bunch low mana cheating big minions to carry them into fatigue stage


Right. Fatigue Warlock won’t have any problems with Midrange. Fatigue Warlock has some really good board clears and healing. I consistently draw through my entire deck by turn 8


right, the only none mirror deck I feel having a fair chance is my Vannder Clown Druid. If I could draw my ramp and start to drop down large dudes by turn 6 or 7 and my clown by turn 9 or 10, then I usually win because they don’t run neither anymore

It’s also worth noting that Ping Mage, which will certainly be much stronger after AV release, will hard counter Fatigue Warlock.


What’s in Ping Mage other than Mordresh that is good vs Fatigue Warlock? Unless I’m looking at the wrong list I don’t see a ton of burn spells or anything, and who cares if you’re good at controlling the board against Fatigue Warlock? I don’t see any disruption or tanky minions either.

The way I see Mage beating Fatigue Warlock is if Rune of the Archmage turns out to average like 15 damage to face most of the time. Or obviously an OTK like Mozaki, but that’s just another deck that feasts on value/control so not exactly solving the issue.

Let’s not pretend that it’s just Questlock. Questmage still happily walks all over slow decks and Quest warrior is so high agro that it’ll keep doing what it’s currently doing, owning the meta without any real out and out counter. Even if they could slow things down then quest priest would be a problem. Grow some balls, admit they’re bad for the game and get rid of them.


They said including warlock meaning they have their focus mainly on quest warrior including warlock and any strong quest deck in the upcoming meta , this is how i read it i could be wrong but this is how i read it.

Well I agree. While it’s good to see ahead of time they’re prepared to kill it if it needs, I don’t understand why it wasn’t nerfed with Mage. The Mage nerf only made sense in the context of wanting a slower meta game going forward, but it didnt do anything, because Warlock is still a thing.


can we apply the same philosophy to wild, mr Celestalon :slight_smile:

you forgot they nerfed other 5 cards or so.
Meanwhile they buffed pirate warrior and made a miniset to support it :joy:

card draw is the problem: it shouldn’t be possible for any class to have an empty deck that easily before turn 9.

Back in the days, it was possible if you played myra’s unstable element or hemet, which were legendary cards in 1x copy.

It’s not only a warlock problem, but also rogue and mage are drawing too fast.
Quest warlock reward was a problem from the beginning, but since they never adressed it in any way, it seems like it’s here to stay


We can prepare the nerfs list then and this time gonna be a really long one.

Gonna be so big that If they do one at time we gonna reach rotation before they finished.


I kinda Sorry to tell It this way but Quest mage nerf already did show that this list is so big that most nerfs gonna be redundant and only change who’s fault It is .

Celestalon said in the last AMA that questline mage is his favorite deck of all time and that he rarely likes control decks, so don’t have high hopes for a new nerf. I’d still rework Incanter’s Flow to only reduce arcane spells, both in hand and deck, while also giving another bonus like a random arcane spell to your hand.

quest mage is tier 4 if you still have problems with it it a YOU problem

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IF allready been nerfed and mage is a tier 4 deck enough is enough …


a question how long since the last time you played?

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It’s not a nerf, it’s a rework. IF is a poorly designed card.

It isn’t really anymore poorly designed than any other cost reduction card. Blizzard just needs to remember they have the ability to cap power by adding the rider that cards cannot be reduced to less than 1 to any cost reducer.

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I only worry Warlock will be sacrificed for the greater good, as a Warlock player. I totally get it, but, we better have a viable deck. I’m kind of unimpressed with the AV cards for Warlock. I mean, fel? Why are we getting fel? Give that to DH.