Questions you want to ask for the upcoming Q&A?

For those who don’t know, there will be a developer Q&A at 10:00 AM PDT on the forums tomorrow. I’d like to hear what questions you’d like to ask the devs. And for those who will be busy at that time tomorrow, perhaps someone can pass these questions on to the developers.

Personally, I’d like to ask:

What do you think is the biggest issue with the game currently?

Are there any cards that are currently on the “watch-list” for nerfs or the Hall of Fame?


Are they going to offer balance changes for wild?

I’d like a slightly better dust return.

Thats all I have.


My question would be if we going to get another constructed format besides Standard and Big Priest roulette?

Also I greatly wonder about custom-games, tournament mode, 2vs2 board.


Why is bomb warrior a thing ?
Who thought it was going to be a good idea ?

What are your thoughts on Boomsday archetypes (mech hunter and paladin) finally seeing play?

Will you ever update Echo rogue? And follow-up, why do you give me cool deck strategies without enough support, then never give them any tools ever again?

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Unlikely to be asked and even less responded: When will Blizz stop bending over for communist China imposing their “values” on the rest of us of the world?

Although I do appreciate the attempt at communication, this Q&A session is manifestly meant to make Team 5 look better, and they will unquestionably selectively answer questions.

I do have several significant queries, but most of them are rather rigorous, and all of them are exceedingly unlikely to be answered. :yum:

There are a few simpler questions about Rise of Shadows that I could ask, but quite frankly, despite my appreciation of their communication on their official forums, I will not entertain this publicity stunt.


The questions are being accepted on the Q&A thread now in the “Community discussion” forum. There is no need for somebody to pass them along for you. If you post them now, people will upvote them for visibility to the dev’s.

For those whom have questions, it may be better to direct it at the main thread, which otherwise may not be brought to the attention of the dev.

Signs of things to come.

Hello Team! Thanks for doing this…love the game :slight_smile:
Annual theme (year of Kraken / Mammoth) for thematic consistency & keeping meta fresh/exciting

I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on this idea, though I think you have already started working in this direction with story driven theme for the year and delayed single-player content.

I had hoped the idea of theming each year (Kraken, Mammoth) would lead to some more exciting storytelling between the expansions of the year and maybe even use it to keep the meta fresh/exciting throughout and in-between expansion releases.

To that end, i would like to suggest that Team 5 would consider something like — A set of 6 to 12 cards released over a bi-monthly or monthly schedule with the rank pack (subject to similar basic requirements being fulfilled, like playing/winning at least x games that month etc) with the Annual theme (Mammoth for 2017). Strong Legendaries/Epics (Like N’Zoth, Kazakus) , perhaps which bring out the “Mammoth” theme, tie all expansions together thematically, keep meta dynamic every month?

This may also provide an additional advantage of letting Team 5 course-correct the meta by introducing the right card at the right time if/when needed.

These cards would form their own annual standard collection (Year of the Mammoth Set) and cards from these can be crafted in months following their release (for those who missed winning them in monthly packs).
