[Question] How to find which class suit me?

I hate myself and everyone else, so I play Priest.

Do you like control, mage, warrior, warlock and priest got you covered.

Do you like tempo? Play druid, warlock, paladin, hunter or shaman

Do you like aggro, hunter, shaman and paladin got your back.


It is stupid to limit yourself to 1/9 of the game content.


I selected Warlock because the class has the strongest hero power in the game. Warlock is also one of the only classes that can compete with multiple decks in wild, which is a pretty attractive option.

Well I would talk to the person asking a varity of small details, to kinda pinpoint options. Such questions would invole…

Do you know anything about WoW? Have you played CCGs before?
If they mentioned liking WoW murlocs for example. I could explain classes that play that tribe pretty well.

If they wanted a combo heavy class, I would show the combo style cards like Mecha’thun an Aviana Kun into Toggwaggle. Advertising class strengths would be useful in figuring out if someone has a specific class they could focus on for constant fun.

I used to. I actually had all 9 classes golden heroes (500 wins). This was because I collected the cards an overtime had multiple avenues to explore. Bigger collection = easier to enjoy multiple classes.

Spend money to have “fun” with all the classes. If you wanna play all classes get used to never having the best version of really anything imo. This option is by far the hardest to do without getting frustrated.

If you enjoy HS in General I would casually play all classes because that could open doors to fun. If you wanna compete, I would maybe try a few only.

  1. I don’t consider that I main a class. I am attracted to proactive decks and classes. My favorites are Rogue and Hunter.
  2. Play around with all the classes and anyone will find their favorites.

For the longest time, this was considered the weakest class in the game.
This was also known as one of the most annoying classes to play against.
The potential to make your opponent flip the table is appealing.

The Priest life chose me.


Warrior, for them thicc gains


1-Playing all classes,the only exception kinda is hunter which i do not like playing at all and which i play very rarely.

Playing competitive decks and meme decks that i like (usually decks that have lots of options and choices,control and combo but also agro at times),even when they are 1-2 tiers below the best deck.
I would not recommand specializing in 1 class because the most fun decks they often switch from class to class and then you get stuck playing a deck that you dont like or a deck which is very bad.

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For new players I recomend playing againts the A.I. in practice until you unlocked all the basic set golden cards this means getting all classes to lvl 60, then check decks budget online and cope a feel for more or less your playstyle great classes for starters are Hunter and Warlock would also say that Mage has a great set of basic and classic cards but the game has changed a lot since it’s early days and Mage is not the most friendly to noobish players class that it used to be. Finaly feel free to ask yourself what fantasy class do you identify more with, hell even check the emotes of the heroes and see wich one you like most, and as a new player don’t and a mean Don’t ever dust or craft anything until you have expirienced everything the bassic and classic sets got to offer, you will not hit legend in 3 months of playing, it is posible but come on, don’t set the bar so high for you.

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I decide what deck to play based on my cardpool; whichever class I can build the best deck by crafting the least is the class I will play. I recommend this for people looking to pick a class as well. Either mess around making decks for a few different classes and see what works for you, or look up meta deck list sand see which you are closest to finishing / will cost the least to complete.

I WANT to play all classes, but I lack the cardpool/money to do so and losing with a class again and again because you don’t have good cards feels bad. If I’m going to lose it should be due to lack of skill, not lack of being able to build the deck I want due to resources. It’s why I usually stick with one class at a time. Over the years I’ve played Secret Mage, Dragon Priest, and Galakrond Rogue extensively and had fun with all of them at one point.

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pretty much this. if you want to find your niche you need to figure out what class does what best. so, getting a feel for the classes should come first. figuring out if you like to play a spell or minion heavy decks, from behind or calling the shots, complicated or straightforward strategies will happen naturally through experience.

I like big flashy thought invoking turns so I naturally gravitated towards Priest, Rogue, Mage. Warrior should be in that list but he’s icky, apparently, aesthetics also played a roll in my decision-making process.

trial and error. just do your best to seek out the error in your play and learn from the experience.

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Priest and rogue because the pack gods chose for me that life.

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No one is saying to just play 1 class lol.

My main class is warlock, but i still play 7 others.

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1. For yourself, how did you decide on which class to main?

Hearthstone was my first CCG.

Eventually I realized the most satisfying games for me were ones in which both my opponent and I had drawn through our entire decks.

So I chose Control over Swarm Aggro, Burn Aggro, Midrange, or Combo.

Control was played very differently at the time because Fatigue actually mattered and Combo decks were very popular.

Some Control decks, such as Warrior, were Super Anti-Aggro at the cost of auto-losing to some Combo Decks. I wanted at least a chance to beat combo and would risk dying to Burn and Burst damage.

Control Warlock had Strong AOE to deal with Aggro and Disruption to deal with Combo, It’s weakness was vulnerability to Burn Damage and Burst Damage.

My 2nd Main was Toggwaggle Druid. Tog Druid had a Strong Combo to deal with Control/Combo Decks and Strong Armor to counter Burn/Burst Damage. It’s weakness was lack of AOE.

2. For others, how would you advise players which class to main?

  • If you hate losing to Swarms of Minions: Play Mage, Warlock, Warrior, or Priest.
  • If you hate losing to AOE: Play Hunter or Rogue.
  • If you hate losing to Burn Damage: Play Druid, Warrior, Paladin, or Priest.
  • If you hate losing to Burst Combos: Play Druid or Warrior.
  • If you hate losing to Value: Play whatever, Value is dead.
  • If you like Buffing Minions: Play Paladin.
  • If you like Healing Minions: Play Priest.
  • If you like Sacrificing Minions: Play Warlock.
  • If you like Freezing Minions: Play Mage.
  • If you like Weapons: Play Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, or Hunter.
  • If you like Secrets: Play Hunter > Mage > Paladin.
  • If you like Copying the Opponent’s Cards: Play Priest.
  • If you like Playing Random Cards: Play Rogue or Mage.

step 1: I am not scumbag,

step 2: will not play scumbag deck

This has got to be the absolute worst advice I have ever seen. 540 levels, with reduced xp gains, is months of grinding… And you wont even be earning any gold in the process! Dont do it!!!

I can see an argument for unlocking all basic cards first/all classes to 20, not that I would, but not all classes to 60. That is stupid and you wont find it enjoyable, nor learn anything other than how NOT to play.


Yes you’re right it’s only until lvl 20 and I do apologyce for the missinformation it’s been years since I started to play the game, but saying you don’t get gold is not entirely true either since there are hidden quest that grant up to 100 g or card packs and not knowing a little about how the game is played affter the awfull tutorial that it has not been updated since the game’s lunch leads to the inconsistency threads here and there or ppl complaining about how they face meta net decks in casual.

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I play tribal decks, my favorite decks in mtg are mono. my favorite class over all is paladin. I like footmen a lot. i like foot buff decks a lot.

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I think there is alot of ‘value’ to get every hero to lvl 20-60.

Without a fair amount of games, it is impossible to appreciate each class, and to find a good match of what individual likes to play.

Even if one eventually does not like that hero, the experience helps alot in understand the basic strength/weakness of each class, and how to play against them in future.

Tbh the reason I was more interested in mage than other classes back then is that I was fascinated with the concept of mage because of some anime I was watching. Plus Jaina has the coolest looking portrait.
Now it’s the class I have the fullest collection for, I m most expiriensed with and I’m most comfortable playing

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