Q&A from Iksar, guilds possibly coming to Hearthstone & more

IDK, maybe the memes available to Druid and Warrior just arent for me.

I really struggle building a meme deck for those classes, more than the other 7 (I dont play DK, like at ALL, unless forced to).

The reason Warrior and Druid are so easy to meme with is because of armor. You can gain tons of armor to last longer. Thatā€™s pretty much the only reason and Iā€™m sure thatā€™s why he named those 2 classes.

For me, itā€™s mainly because Druid and Warrior can do infinite sort of stuff with copy effects and armor. Survival is one of the problems meme decks have. I have a meme Druid deck that basically casts Naturalize an infinite number of times (as many times as you can click and repeat every turn). I can do 6k+ damage with it.

The difference lies on the definition of meme.

I can do infinite shenanigans with both Rogue and Priest far easier than Druid or Warrior.

Maybe its just what I consider a meme is actually a meme, not just off-meta, that I cant fathom how the 2 are the easiest to meme with.

Priest, the most draw restricted class in the game.

Zero card draw support this expansion. hahahaha

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Technically, they did add 1 draw card for priest in the core set in Thrive in the Shadows.

If you count the card draw they removedā€¦itā€™s not a technically at all. Itā€™s less card draw.

What draw did they remove from the basic and classic during the switch to the core set?

Novice Engineer?


Mass dispel was removed, was it not?

Not think someone would use it for draw butā€¦

Technically yes.

The ability to cycle and silence the enemy board in 1 card was a key staple in getting my Priest deck to Legendary back when priest was actually good.

Iā€™ve seen you complain about how ā€˜ā€˜badā€™ā€™ priest is in plenty of threads.

And yet I watch a lot of high Legend streams and priest is one of the most common class, itā€™s also popular in tournaments.

So I really donā€™t understand how you can claim the class is bad. It seems like you are misinformed.

E/ after reviewing vs reports, highlander priest is actually high tier 2. So please stop with the ā€˜ā€˜priest is badā€™ā€™ rant. Itā€™s high Legend viable.

Thatā€™s probably because you arenā€™t paying attention to what Iā€™m saying. Iā€™m talking about how Priest has been long locked into a certain archetype (rez) for so long that it puts a limit on what they can design for. This has caused a major lack of design for Priest, and when they attempt to design an archetype, they fail. Spell priest is the newest failure in that.

And again, if youā€™ve managed to pay attention, you would see Iā€™m fighting for priest to have the ability to be a healing classed based on minion restoration with board control, much like what a Priest does in nearly any game. A priest keeps the group alive. A priest in Hearthstone doesnā€™t work anything like that, despite repeated attempts from them to do so.

Youā€™re saying the class is ā€œbadā€ how are we supposed to know you are referring to its design and not power level ?

Also res priest is pretty terrible right nowā€¦ the deck I am talking about is Highlander priest, which has been good for months now. I donā€™t think youā€™re really aware of that anyway, I havenā€™t seen you on for months, which could explain why youā€™re actually behind on priestā€™s power level.

Yes, Iā€™ve been gone for a few months now waiting for the new expansion, so itā€™s very likely Iā€™m out of the loop on what priest is currently good at. Priest has been riding the backs of Highlander for years now, even when Reno was around, and if thatā€™s the best that priest has, itā€™s really saying a lot about what position the class really is in. The class has a real identity crisis. The design is bad and the attempts to bring in another archetype for the last several years have been a monumental failure compared to what any other class is getting.

To put it bluntly, Priest is probably the worst designed class in the game. That, for me, is what makes it bad. Theyā€™ve had a lot of failures in the class, and some of the biggest jokes of cards in terms of power reside in the Priest class.

I agree with you, priestā€™s design is kinda bad and boring because it either relies on resurrect effects (which everyone hates) OR relies on control tools with no real win condition other than just killing your board over and over again until your opponent runs out of stuff (which is also awfully boring to play against, especially because the games are super long and grindy).

Itā€™s a shame they destroyed the dragon archetype and also the combo OTK ones with inner fire & divine spirit.

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I was REALLY hoping year of the dragon was going to see some sort of new dragon archetype for Priest. Severely disappointed, but at least some of the dragons were fun.

If we look at stuff like Highlander Priest, itā€™s a little sad that the deck is really only doing well because it has to ride the coat tails of 2 extremely powerful neutral minions that pretty much carry the deck. Thatā€™s not as much of a statement about how good priest is, but rather how good Zeph and DQA are.

A lack of a win condition, introduction of the absolute worst archetype priest can work with (spell hand priest, really?), and any lack of real synergy with minions this expac is an extreme downer.

I dream of a priest archetype that works around minions like Amet that can stick, get healed, and help other minions get health buffs/heals as they compete for the board all while the hero helps to keep them alive. Instead, what we have feels nothing like that, nothing like a true priest class. What we have instead feels like some off-shoot of Necromancy and a Summoner class.

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With Zeph and DQA rotating, Iā€™m kinda afraid for priest.
I feel like it could be the end of them for a long time.

Hopefully thatā€™s not the case, for you sake.

You still have Apotheosis and Illucia which are some of the most powerful cards right now so who knows.

Melphina actually has a really good looking Priest deck that looks promising. Even if that deck is #1 legend or some insanely good deck, it doesnā€™t mean squat for Priestā€¦because a majority of the cards are neutral.

While other classes are looking at their class cards and class combos to carry them through, Priests are going to have to resort to mixing up Neutral card combos that pair well with specific class cards. And afterall, isnā€™t that really what highlander is right now anyway?

Thatā€™s part of the problem. The identity isnā€™t there because the class has no synergy, so it must create synergy with Neutral cards.