Q&A from Iksar, guilds possibly coming to Hearthstone & more

Focusing on the social communication will pay dividends to HS and game play. The more they focus on building a community, the platform will be used more as relationships build.

It would take HS to another level.

I might come back after expansion release. I just can’t play the game with the current state of priest and their lack of acknowledgement on the issues. Priest is dead last in standard and all they talk about fixing is Shaman and other stuff.

Plus, a lot of new games have been really appealing to me. Hearthstone just feels so stale, but I’m hoping this expansion changes things up enough to feel like a lot has changed.

I mean, that’s part of the problem with Priest right now. Playing other classes feels so smooth and Priest feels so clunky. The lack of draw/targeted draw is what part of the problem is. Everyone else can dig and get to their win condition faster, while Priest is lacking a definitive win condition, lacks a way to get to its win conditions faster, and has an uphill battle just to keep up with the power that other classes have. Priest has a lot of lack of synergy right now.

It’s EXACTLY, what’s wrong with priest. It is also EXACTLY what was wrong with hunter when they were like “hurr durr we will design hunter without draw” and then it basically became lose if you didn’t have a good opener class.

What I don’t understand is how they redesigned hunter to have draw, saw how that gave the class more options and at least 3 -4 decks at any given time, then went and said

“we are redesigning class identiites, we are going to kill draw for priest and shaman, also priest will have narrow but powerful spells”

What is the purpose of powerful spells IF YOU CAN’T DRAW THEM??? It was like one step forward, 2 miles back and I already knew that it would get reverted again. Glad they found a clue in the barrens.

Strange… As an exclusive memer, I find these 2 classes the hardest to meme with. Rogue and Priest are the 2 easiest for me, by a large margin.

Rogue is easily #1 meme class imo. I understand Druid/Warrior though as well, I have tons of memes with them. It’s because they have weird cards that allow you to abuse stuff.

IDK, maybe the memes available to Druid and Warrior just arent for me.

I really struggle building a meme deck for those classes, more than the other 7 (I dont play DK, like at ALL, unless forced to).

The reason Warrior and Druid are so easy to meme with is because of armor. You can gain tons of armor to last longer. That’s pretty much the only reason and I’m sure that’s why he named those 2 classes.

For me, it’s mainly because Druid and Warrior can do infinite sort of stuff with copy effects and armor. Survival is one of the problems meme decks have. I have a meme Druid deck that basically casts Naturalize an infinite number of times (as many times as you can click and repeat every turn). I can do 6k+ damage with it.

The difference lies on the definition of meme.

I can do infinite shenanigans with both Rogue and Priest far easier than Druid or Warrior.

Maybe its just what I consider a meme is actually a meme, not just off-meta, that I cant fathom how the 2 are the easiest to meme with.

Priest, the most draw restricted class in the game.

Zero card draw support this expansion. hahahaha

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Technically, they did add 1 draw card for priest in the core set in Thrive in the Shadows.

If you count the card draw they removed…it’s not a technically at all. It’s less card draw.

What draw did they remove from the basic and classic during the switch to the core set?

Novice Engineer?


Mass dispel was removed, was it not?

Not think someone would use it for draw but…

Technically yes.

The ability to cycle and silence the enemy board in 1 card was a key staple in getting my Priest deck to Legendary back when priest was actually good.

I’ve seen you complain about how ‘‘bad’’ priest is in plenty of threads.

And yet I watch a lot of high Legend streams and priest is one of the most common class, it’s also popular in tournaments.

So I really don’t understand how you can claim the class is bad. It seems like you are misinformed.

E/ after reviewing vs reports, highlander priest is actually high tier 2. So please stop with the ‘‘priest is bad’’ rant. It’s high Legend viable.

That’s probably because you aren’t paying attention to what I’m saying. I’m talking about how Priest has been long locked into a certain archetype (rez) for so long that it puts a limit on what they can design for. This has caused a major lack of design for Priest, and when they attempt to design an archetype, they fail. Spell priest is the newest failure in that.

And again, if you’ve managed to pay attention, you would see I’m fighting for priest to have the ability to be a healing classed based on minion restoration with board control, much like what a Priest does in nearly any game. A priest keeps the group alive. A priest in Hearthstone doesn’t work anything like that, despite repeated attempts from them to do so.

You’re saying the class is “bad” how are we supposed to know you are referring to its design and not power level ?

Also res priest is pretty terrible right now… the deck I am talking about is Highlander priest, which has been good for months now. I don’t think you’re really aware of that anyway, I haven’t seen you on for months, which could explain why you’re actually behind on priest’s power level.