Portable Forge Card Kobold Dungeon Run

When you try to use the card Portable Forge To get a legendary Weapon you get to discover a card but I didn’t get the option nor did I get a weapon as well so basically the card was useless it actually impacted my run quite a bit and possibly could of saved me but the second battle was just a test if it was just a glitch but it seems you can’t use that card[date=2019-09-15 time=22:04:00 timezone=“America/Phoenix”]
I have footage as well for the second time but not the 1st since it was unexpected to happen but here’s a link to a video of the bug occurring in not rushing or anything to get it done because I can care less I’m trying to help so hopefully this helps :slight_smile: https://youtu.be/HSO4THH7U9s

It’s in the stickies already: