Player toxicity is driving developers away from its forums?

I have a thought…

If devs made good games without pushing pay to win tactics, tested and balanced correctly and thoroughly, finished games before release and didn’t promise players one thing and deliver something else maybe the toxicity might not be so prevalent?

Are you new to the internet?

Lol naw. Toxicity will always be there. Always. But MAYBE it wouldn’t be so intense if devs actually made great games. I’ve been to forums for both great games and terrible games. The terrible games tend to have a LOT more toxicity than great game forums.


Defending devs :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:. I don’t know what is worse, defending people who could honestly care less about you or thinking your voice actually matters here.

If a product wasn’t such #^@$pile people wouldn’t feel naturally inclined to complain about it. Crazy thought huh?


A game can be nearest to perfection as possible and still receive bashing. But we should all welcome negative feedback because through it out beloved games can potentially improve. :blush:

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That’s because of your self-imposed limitations.

Blizzard devolopers have never read the forums on any of there games, it’s just some lowly paid part timer that moderates it and sometimes posts some info copypasta.