Part of decs for newcomes is missed

Hello, i pass way of novice and imaginie abour free mage deck and what i get there?Only 6 choice. No mage. No shamanh. No demon hunter. For example when I try with returned player 3 mounth ago I can choose a mage deck. No mage deck for novice? I think íta bug.

No, this is not a bug. The deck list is constantly changing

If it is not a bug. Where is announcement of decks changing?

It’s been stickied for eight days in the Multiplayer forum.

Only 11 day ago. I hate this update. Im late only for 5 days. Ok thx close this topic. Thx for answer. If I know this thing at the starting play I have to choise differernt cards for craft. I think it’s like a trick with new players who start early then announce.