Paladin is too strong

That was last month, when most others were experimenting a lot more with worse aggro.

This month everyone is barricaded behind extremely refined netdecks.

Flood paladin is among those refined netdecks. As per HSReplay, Hearthstone Top Decks, and Hearthstone meta stats.

The worst possible skewed data there is that takes bronze threw d10 as the biggest metric in its stats. Most comes from b10-gold1.

Not even mentioning the sparse data wich includes games were ppl dont even play insta conceed or simular stuff like bots that dont even play.

All you will achive by nerfing paladin is runing the game. Its actualy the most balanced class right now sadly.

Yes and no. It’s refined as aggro but it’s a very simplistic aggro to be considered great in this meta. Most other netdecks have better tools; they usually clear its board; when they are aggro they are often stronger and smarter aggro.

Its quite literally net decked. No matter how “simplistic” it is.

It is but it’s not July anymore, when most others played experimental decks and it was easy to it. Now if you play flood paladin you keep having your board cleared which explains why it has about a dozen netdecks above it in meta stats in most rank brackets.

Its still a popular deck thats seeing play this month. I have watched Rarran, Roffle, and even Eddy face it in high diamond and even lower tiers. Heck even I have faced it. If its not flood paladin, then its handbuff.

At this point we are just going in circles.