How could you possibly play any game but Hearthstone? No game can match the balanced, competitive, back-and-forth, high intelligence gameplay crafted by this amazingly brilliant and inspired development team! No other game can stack up against Hearthstone!
Haven’t played much HS since they removed classic, but anyway I got back to classic WoW with the new anniversary realms. Others games I’ve played recently are binding of Isaac repentance and the two Batman telltale games. Also bought the spider man game from Steam Christmas sale so will play that soon.
Battlefield 2024(main game), EFT, and Diablo 4.
I get smacked from TOS for using the first letter of a vulgar word in a post and you are able to talk about your monkey habits?
Right now, just OSRS (Old School Runescape) decided to get 99 prayer for the new year (got a lot of Dragon Bones to still use).
And Fortnite for the more social game. Part of a discord group for it and often play Squads… Sometimes with randos, got Zero Build, or Reload, and recently some Ballistic mode that my sis and brother in law have been playing. And the occasion goofy creative games like escape rooms lol.
I do play HS but it’s not like the other two. The other two I play like, everyday… HS has days where I miss weekly’s/dailies and don’t care. Need the miniset asap to give it more attention cause the classes that are good are awful to play against over, and over.
You queue ranked and it’s Paladin, Druid, DK, Hunter, Shaman, or Mage.
I saw a couple Rogues trying the giants deck but like, majority is the above ^. Mage is just played prob by cheap-os who think Ele Mage is fun I guess? It’s the easiest of the lot. Same with DK just has that “I’m a noob unga bunga grasp” to it that the same kids play it.
The other classes though have over the top decks and they def are the majority of ranked fights -barfs-.
I wanted to play this game awhile back, but was afraid to get sucked in. I really enjoyed Ultimate Online back in the day, but don’t want to go back for fear of getting sucked in again.
I had this relationship with WoW for many years, but after some point it really sunk in that I don’t like grinding 95% of the time for the 5% chance to raid with pseudo-friends in a guild for raiding (only end-game felt worthwhile).
It’s part of why I like Hearthstone.
The total antithesis of that.
No teams or a lot of grind.
You’d maybe really like the game? I know in WoW you and I both had a love for PvP. Runescape has PvP but it’s more risk (if your skulled you will lose all your items on you, not bank).
The Devs for Runescape are first class. Always making community driven changes, they have awesome content creators, etc.
You could play anyway you want in this MMO which I love. Some people do skills, some love to do quests, some people lock themselves to certain zones only. Some PvP all day, some people build unique accounts. Others try and just make huge stacks of $.
I right now just try and boost my main to be the best I can. Game has a lot of skills and trying to get stuff done. Currently side tracked with prayer but I need just 3 more Hunter levels til I have all the stats needed for any quest in the game.
If you want to see some of my favorite content creators for the game, which might get you to play… I’d recommend… Settled’s series of the Moratanyia locked Ironman, and currently (Cause of your past with WoW) You should check out MadSeason? A dude who played WoW forever and is just getting into OSRS. Hilarious seeing how he goes about playing the game .
Yeah, a lot of that is why I liked WoW and Ultima Online. I know for sure I’d like Runescape, but I have so many games on my future radar that I just cannot dump any time sink into older games. There’s just too much to do in those games and you really have to dedicate a lot of time which is why I dumped WoW years ago.
There are so many MMORPGs out now and lots of them need that time sink to play them and I don’t want to dedicate any significant time to any of them.
Well your time is your own to decide I personally like the game, and was fine offering it as a recommend. It is a time sink, but it doesn’t have to be “all” the time. Especially a game like this… I right now am collecting buckets of slime and replying back to you lol.
Game is great as a afk side hustle. If I am playing HS its easy to tab over and start praying bones at the gilded alter, while tabbing back over and focusing on HS lol.
P.S. Also just tried to add “Schyla” to friends list on OSRS and it couldnt find a player with that name… so what I’m saying is your name is free to be made if you waaaaaannnnnnnnnnntttttt
Playing WoW Hardcore Classic, lol. Other than that some HS and chess (always.)
Street Fighter 3rd strike, Tony Hawk’s Underground (Online) and Guild Wars 2.
Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Occasionally, Ironsworn. Got a couple other solo rpgs to try.
Lately, I’ve been reading, writing and journaling a lot.
I play Wow retail
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