Official Balance Changes

Thats not even true in the secret hunter meta. Rogue wasnt to be seen.

Odd Rogue would beg to differ.

You’re upset that your fave class got nerfed, thats fine, but manipulating the truth doesnt help your agenda one bit.


Odd rogue didnt run prep, thats pretty irrelevant. It ran a neutral legendary that was so OP it was Hall of famed earlier than any other card in history. It didnt even see the full rotation.

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So instead of Rogues being gods and Warriors being the godkillers.

Mages will be gods and Hunters will be godkillers.

Incoming MageHunterStone


Its not irrelevant. You claimed that ROGUE was absent from the meta while Secret Hunter was a thing, which is 100% false. They have survived w/o Prep in the past, and have a toolkit capable of doing so again in the future. You really are over-reacting re:Prep. Its a pretty light-handed nerf all things considered.

Read the whole post, kinda silly to just highlight that sentence and ignore the one mentioning baku.

I guess we should just have more BAKU esque cards because that’s one of the ONLY times rogue hasnt needed prep.

Light-handed? This was as heavy, hamfisted of a nerf that the dev team could bring to bear without committing first degree murder in broad daylight in a crowded city intersection. Make no mistake. These nerfs are entirely directed to destroy the current rogue game. Not weaken but destroy. Tempo and combo are everything to rogue in this meta. The nerfs now retard the rogue’s tempo by at least two or three turns. That’s an eternity. The nerfs also inhibit combos that a pre-nerfed rogue needed to stabilize. Yes, that’s now significantly impaired too. And notably, this change also unduly hurts burgle rogue who was already marginal at best but now has to run an emasculated prep. Light-handed? Please.


Wait and see. When VS releases their 2nd meta report after the nerf (gotta allow things to settle) I will all but guarantee Rogue is firmly in T2.

You Rogue mains really are going overboard, its really not as bad as it looks. YOu will still have a viable deck, so build a bridge.

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If these nerfs achieve a meta that’s more forgiving towards a diversity of interesting decks, rogue’s sacrifice will be worthwhile. Experience and wisdom are harsh judges and I don’t expect to be surprised at the upcoming mage/hunter meta.

I guess replacing one with two is better, but the cost seems rather high.

We shall see.

Yeah screwing over core of rogue lije druid had is good. Not!!
Nerf is fine if they touch the rest but they dint

Well, im just glad i haven’t DE’d my golden preps until now.

I am willing to bet that 5hp body got transformed up enough to get the nerf done. And in this game on early turns 1 extra hp can be hard to get on top of.


This is as if they had nerfed Vicious Scalehide last year along with the Quest. They made sure this deck will never come back into the meta. Cubelock and Tog Druid barely survived a double nerf, this is a triple nerf.

I am with Zalae on this. It’s probably better to try a burgle Hooktusk instead.

They admitted prep is affecting design of rogue spells. I feel like it just needs to go at this point. Rogue got hammered but archivist nerf hits warrior hard too. Midrange hunter could become scary?

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Yeah it impacts rogue spell design . But if they really cared about that they woulnd have nerfed it or do nerf but buff most of current rogue spells

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You can’t “buff” most spells because they nerfed prep, that would be a buff, not a nerf, because you will not need prep for somethings, i even saw people suggesting a 6 mana sprint, 6 mana draw 4 cards its not balanced


What do you mean mate haven’t touched the rest

Mana Wyrm/Ice Block/ Icelance
Wild Growth/Nourish/innervate
Hunters Mark
Now Prep

Priest is the only class that HASNT been touched


Which is a testament to just how absolutely terrible Priests’ Basic/Classic sets are.


Dang, that’s savage. No wonder I keep on getting d/c’d during solo adventure. In one single match it happened to me 7 times.