No floor points in battleground

I might have just missed an update (still can’t find the info so I would appreciate a link if it is the case)
Wasn’t there supposed to be a point floor every 500 points until you reach 6000 points in battleground?

I reached 5507 48 hours ago, then lost a game and got back below the 5500 mark.
In the last post about the ranking update for battleground they were explaining that it was floored at every 500 points until you get to 6000.

Just trying to figure out if this has changed or not.

Thanks !

Known issue:

While you may not have found the original post above, not sure why you could not find the numerous threads and answers in this fourm.

No need to be rude, I just did NOT see it. Hard to understand ?

I never used before the forum over here, I contacted blizzard and they told me everything was fixed and that if I still encounter the issue that I need to post here, which I did.