Good point. Curselock and Druid’s Astalor combo are just over top and their existence don’t allow this decks to shine?
Very close to being correct, except it’s not just just those 2 decks. But Ramp Druid and Curselock are 2 of the worst matchups for this deck to exist.
Personally I played two matches vs Ramp druid and I did actually fine against him and disrupted his stuff, tho I missed combo pieces and Astalor+Brann+Anub just destroyed me from 44 health and two minions on board. It’s just beyond me that Blizzard allows this to exist.
One example that tilted me.
That’s part of the problem. The disruptions to that stuff isn’t as good as the combo itself. So you end up with a polarizing matchup. You only have a 25% chance to win that fight, and most of that chance is based on him drawing bad and nothing to do with your disruption.
Imma try and make the taunt thing work. I’m also putting the 4 mana watch post on like a real man of culture. It will be terrible. But I don’t care.
Oo timm is playing controll o…o i did no see this coming,
Wait what are you playing ?
A pure taunt deck with the tauren from alterac valley that draws a card every time you play a taunt. It rotates soon so it’s now or never.
The 4/4 that summons of itself is still in standard too
I have no idea why they went so hard on Taunt Warrior of all things, especially when we live in a world where the best decks just murder your face from hand.
Just as a brainstorming exercise, a taunt that might have been good in taunt warrior… is that DH demon that also has rush, and deals damage to enemy hero if it survives damage.
Since warrior have that 0 mana spell that forces enemy minions to attack it
And warrior can draw + double its stats
But alas, not only is the taunt not available to warriors, the combo above doesn’t work with the new 1 mana spell.
That card with pack mule wasnt that bad not too long ago. Probably sucks in the current meta, tho.
And again a joke of a mini set for warrior. These developers are so biased that they just give the illusion of caring about the Warrior class by printing underpowered taunt cards over and over again without giving the archetype a legitimate win condition or at minimum trying to improve the only current legitimate warrior archetypes(enrage/fire). One of the current developers even has the gall to lie about helping improve warrior in a twitter post back when warrior as a class was showing a high 30s to low 40s percentage win rate(Cora). At this point the developers responsible for creating cards for the warrior cards have to be removed or this class will continue to be the worst class in the game which it has been currently for almost a year now.
Well it’s two mana so that’s a good breakpoint with to the front, especially you draw it so have two copies.
Seems like they are fine leaving warrior in the dumpster till rotation.
not really, most best decks now are board based only good burn deck is frost dk which imo needs soem nerfs to the frost wyrms sh***
Honestly, those card are insane.
The 4/3 minions cast a shield block. Six mana worth for 3 mana. It has even not one, but two tag, meanings its benefit from pirate and mech synergies, and you can discovers it from stuff like nellie or the 2/3 amalgam.
It’s like, wow.
Fleshshaper is 6/16 stats for six mana. 24 stats. Two death wings. in which world is it weak?
Trainings sessions allows for multiple discovers, all for 1 mana. Meaning you can get stuff like gnome devourer (the 5/6 dk card) +1 discovers. You can get ssesselie. The sabertooth matriarch which can cost 0 . the DH minions that make spell cost 2 more. All of priest taunt minions. Ala’kir . The 6/6 warlock that cost 1 if your deck has less than ten cards.
Hightrolls would be getting stuff like asvedon , gorger, silvermoon warden.
In worst case, you get two taunt card for 1 mana. In best cast, you can get Asvedon into silvermoon warden x2 for insane swing turn + 1 more card.
Whats you guys are also missing is that the meta is currently a tempo heavy one.
Implock (without curse) : full aggro deck, sensitive to removal and armor.
Undead priest (buffed by miniset) : Full aggro burn deck, will wince at armor stacking warrior + taunt
Illidan : Put board during swing and finish with burn.
Paladin : board based.
Druid : Doesn’t exist since nerf.
Dk : unholy build early board and play on that. frost mostly burn you for 40 dmg the way face hunter did .
Hunter : either try to burn you quest style or play midrange.
tempo mage: burn + board
Shaman : goes for the board.
There aren’t much deck trying to go for combo atm, only mine warlock , curse warlock, druid are setting up OTK. Blood also has some inevitability, but I think warrior can sustain this inevitability and make them go flat out of ressources.