New warlock legenday: GIGACHAD

This card works very straightforward. I’m surprised there’s so much confusion regarding it.

First – Gigafin enters the field and eats all the enemy minons. I highly suspect it also gains their stats because that’s how devour works both in battlegrounds and on mutanous. But that part remains to be seen.

Second – Gigafin’s Maw is summoned to the field.

Gigafin’s maw has taunt, so it protects gigafin from any charge or rush attacks. If gigafin’s maw dies before gigafin, then the minions gigafin ate are destroyed. If gigafin is picked off with a single target removal, then the minions are returned. If gigafin is silenced, bounced, or otherwise killed in any manner that prevents its deathrattle from proccing the minions are also destroyed. Minion destruction through killing gigafin’s maw does not remove them from the ressurection pool. If a minion is destroyed in gigafins maw it can still be ressurected later. However, If you silence or bounce gigafin the minions just “poof”, similar to the amazing reno’s effect. The deathrattle doesn’t trigger, they just vanish into thin air. Silencing Gigafin WILL prevent minions from being ressurected.

Think of this as a much more powerful Najak Hexxen. That’s basically what the card is. It also makes one hell of a battlemaster target. If it’s not immediately dealt with you just give both bodies windfury and end the game.

Think of this as the next hoplessly busted card.
I can already see the threads screaming about this.

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You say that about every…single… card you see anymore. Give it a rest already. Sheesh.


Do you think I’m wrong? I’ll bet you We see at least three separate threads complaining about this card.
It makes mutanus look undertuned.

It does not gain the stats. They show it being played in the reveal video.


Ohh. Well in that case it might not be as bad as I feared.
Scratch what I said earlier.

Pretty much every class has some form of answer to this. Priest can shadow word death gigafin, warrior can attempt to brawl it or hit it with onyxian drake, shaman can stall the board with snowfall guardian, rogue can hit it with Si:7 assassin, mage can polymorph it to at least remove the danger, warlock itself has… almost too numerous ways to remove minions to count, (and I’m bettering paladin gets a new form of equality to replace lord baron), hunter will attempt to shoot the warlock dead before gigafin even comes into play

Gigafin is powerful, but colossus are meant to be powerful. It’s in no way unstoppable.

Well knowing that it doesn’t gain stats like Mutanus makes me think more favorably of it.

Surprising to me. I don’t know where to look for the reveal. It’s not that bad a card at all then.

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When all else fails, I go to Out of Cards. :grinning:


I have to agree in regards to it not removing from the res pool. It seems like it would be too much hassle in terms of coding. I figured it was still worth posing the question.

In terms of application for control decks, it does have the benefit of at least putting a sizable body on the field, even if the opponent’s deck doesn’t play many minions. So it does have that over similar removal effects. That said, it still seems fairly weak for control to use against aggro due to its cost, at least given the cards we know about currently. Furthermore, as Melph just said, classes that are good at removing singular minons won’t be bothered too much by this, while classes that mainly focus on mass removal may struggle with it (depending on how the play order pans out). In other words, it seems to be highly meta-dependent as opposed to an auto-include in every control deck.

I am personally hoping that murloc zoo takes off and this can be used as a “cheap” board clear/threat in tandem with the new dredging murloc to remove the mana cost. Furthermore, zoo is more likely to able to stick 3 minions on the field, play Gigafin, and then use Ritual of Doom on the maw to easily destroy it and prevent the opponent from saving their minions without losing too much in terms of stats. Also, sorry for the rambling.

I don’t think you rambled at all. The card does seem less Op than I originally thought, and you make good points about it’s matchup against aggro.

If you can deal 4 damage to a minion from hand you can counter it pretty effectively. I think it actually looks pretty weak at face value. The only type of deck I can think of that it goes into where it’s even playable would have to be some kind of a zoo archetype. You build a board then play this to remove any form of taunt your opponent has, then go face for the kill. Maybe they’ll push zoo again. Who knows. Zoo is an archetype that’s fallen off heavily in its performance over the past few years. With all the face burn and board stall (snowfall guardians, lightmaw netherdrakes, and hunters… oh my) zoo would need a lot of support to take off. We’ll have to see. But barring some kind of creative combo or powerful new murloc zoo deck this looks like a 2/5 rating at best as a standalone card.

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I actually played Zoo Lock back in the day.
Murloc Warlock was never very good imo though.
'Course neither was I back then:)

there is an epic minion that can kill any legendary card (as suggested in the presentation video); it seems like it will become very useful

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And that puts 11/11 stats on your board.

Really? That sounds incredible. Might be my favorite card of the expansion.

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Epic · Minion · Fractured in Alterac Valley · Battlecry: Destroy an enemy Legendary minion.

i believe they also have been free on the reward track


It is a card from a mini set a little while back. Never seen it played against myself though, so I can’t remember its name.


So; is this random if there is more than one legend on board?