New Warlock Legendary: Neeru Fireblade

Every turn so it activates on your turn and your opponents turn. Damn this wins fatigue like almost every time. Depends heavily on how slow the meta is, but it just wins vs any deck that tries to go for a fatigue matchup.

Wow! Risk/Reward Warlock archetype. Just don’t burn THIS card hah!

Interesting card, I think it will be too slow to see much play though. Kind of similar to Nomi, but triggering on both yours and your opponents turn is a big upside so perhaps it might be good. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zoolocks try running this card for a bit because of how fast they can draw their deck. Doubtful if it will be worth it but we’ll see.

I also don’t see people playing Tickatus on their own deck taking off lol But I am sure someone will give it a go. But Rustwix still seems like a much better wincon than this.

its a slower nomi, and nomi is currently too slow

Maybe warlock will get an anti fatigue damage card this year, something on the lines of reversing it so it heals the warlock?

This looks so bad but I will still run this XD

deck with this, tickatus, 2x free admission and 26 spells to burn your deck lets gooooooo

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Given how quickly warlock draws and how easily they can burn their own deck, this could actually trigger pretty quickly.

The biggest problem is that you can’t play the destruction cards without risking to destroy this (Trump day 1 video?).

If this card placed itself back in the deck if it was burned, then it could work.


Warlock has cards that draw minions. Should be easy enough to ensure you draw Neeru first.

That’s why I don’t think you do the self burn cards with this. Warlock already draws through its deck fast enough to make this viable so just do more of that and that should be good enough.

I wonder what a deck looks like with Tickatus, Rustwix, and Neeru as the only minions? The rest is removal, tutoring, and draw. Kinda like the Illucia / C’thun deck that was running around.

So you have to run some garbage spell deck and can’t run the 3 mana deal 10 Lifesteal that’s designed for this deck? Since you could draw it instead.

Without burn protection this is a really bad card.

i was expecting a "when your deck is empty " card but not sure this is strong enough

Just don’t play the self burn cards. They’re not needed. Warlock draws cards fast enough that this will be pretty easy to get online.

It’s win the game in 2 turn at most in most cases. How much better can you get?

OK Trump. See you Barrens day one tearing your hair out.

It’s going to be the 2021 version of Shadow Council.

You run 2x Free Admission and maybe Taelan Fordring (an extra chance at Neeru if you don’t have minions above 5 mana). You can easily still run the Blood Shard Bristleback’s. And maybe another 2 of minion (fire breather?).

You could just, not like play the self burn stuff until after you drawn FIreblade…


Maybe but I am definitely going to be trying this card out. Control warlock sucks right now but between this and jaraxxus it could be good. This is a way better win condition than tickatus and drawing through your deck is pretty easy to do as a warlock.

Sure. And everyone that isn’t you will bash my face in with a bunch of dead cards in hand in the meanwhile.

I am just going to watch Trump losing every game with this on release date and LMAO.