New Spell Mage Cards

I understand rogue but I’m not entirely convinced about druid, but the priest set seems very underwhelming to me.

I dunno about that
The first light show does 4 damage, the second 6, and the third 8. You need exactly 5 lightshows for lethal, so you draw 2, copy or discover 2 and that’s it, before spel damage. The whole package is also arcane so it sinergizes well with Vexallus. Seems not imediatelly obvious, but functional.

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You might be right. I am no expert, and have been wrong many times over in predicting this game.
I do not believe Mage will be anything better than tier 3.
Which is fine, provided other classes aren’t allowed to reign indefinitely.
Mage has been nerfed to the cellar every single time it has ever been tier 1 as I remember, but correct me if I have forgotten some time when that did not happen.

Frost (aggro) mage was T1 this expansion a while before the miniset, and then was T1 again after the gnoll/DH location nerfs

Neither times was it nerfed

Mage has certainly had its fair share of nerfs.

I’ve done well fairly recently with aggro frost mage, spooky ping mage, and big spell mage. I also thoroughly enjoyed Frost lich Jaina returning to standard for a short time. She’s one of my favorite cards of all time.

Except Vexallus will also duplicate Lightshow. Lightshow isn’t a different version, you use it in the same deck.

Why? Lightshow scales more and does more damage. Just put both in your deck and go face with whatever you get.

Cast at least 1 arcane bolt and 1 rewind sometime in the game. Basically play no other spells (run minions with draw or stalls or whatever)

Combo turn:
2x Magister’s apprentice (those arcane spells now cost 0

Cast rewind, which should happen twice because Vex, discover a bolt and another rewind

Repeat for the OTK

Classic Antonidas: You’re just a cheap knock off!
Vex: No, I’m the upgrade

I dont think Rewind can discover itself

Being able to tutor spells like this is really good for a lot of the burn/aggressive mage decks in the meta.

If your whole spell pool is just frozen touch and cold case and deathborn, it’s pretty good to be able to just pull them on command and get an extra copy of whatever you need.

It’s also good for Rommath. You can just pick a bunch of untargeted spells you wanna cast multiple times and discover them.

It’s cool if nothing else.

Audio Splitter. It’s meh/fine.

2-3/5 Star Power.

Lightshow. Not a fan yet.

If it was 1 mana deal 1 twice and 1 for each repeat it would look appealing. Maybe it would be broken then idk. I just don’t like paying 3 mana for it when it can go face or minion in the early game when I really need it to hit minions in the early game.

2/5 Star Power. Might be better later or after seeing all cards.

Keyboard Soloist seems strong.

  • 4 mana 4/8 raw stats against classes like Paladin.

  • Enables Gifts of Azshara.

  • Combo with Shooting Star/Bolt/Apprentice for turn 6 board flip.

5/5 Star Power.

Volume Up is amazing.

Tutor drawing 3 spells is likely to draw more draw.

5/5 Star Power.

Rewind is cool, but I probably want to generate it instead of hard run it. Would be cool if Mana Biscuits were still around though.

5/5 Star Power. As a spell to generate and then Combo for 0 mana with Magister’s Apprentice.

What if it’s the second time you cast Rewind though?

I thought there was a gamerule that cards could not discover copies of themselves

Rewind specifically says “another.” It can’t discover itself.

Compare it with Flesh Behemoth that can’t draw the other copy of itself from its Deathrattle:

Rare · Minion · March of the Lich King · Taunt Deathrattle: Draw another Undead and summon a copy of it.

Also, this.


I doubt I will play Standard at all this expansion.
I will play Wild until I see what the geniuses do with it in phase 2.
If they destroy the decks that I enjoy, then I will quit.
I barely play now. It won’t be that big of a change.