New Player needs $200 to play Standard from scratch

$200 is a lot of money these days. Most places that won’t even buy you a cart of groceries any more, and that’s without buying the super expensive stuff.

For those who actually care about “transfer of wealth” issues, actiblizz was one of those corporations that raked it in big time during the pandemic.

People who don’t value their time will have it wasted by those who are eager to exploit it.

Found one of the people who didn’t get why letting 20-30 minutes of ads run before movies was a bad thing.

I still remember a time where we DIDN’T have to watch a bunch mini movies to watch the movie we wanted.


Time to start a new card.

What I find is interesting, is everyone is ragging on OP to show his work but no one is really calling on other to show theirs. Sorry panda, not saying it’s just you…there were several posts upthread before yours making similar claims.

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I always hated going to the movies because of that. We stayed away from all but the movies we absolutely wanted to see. Then we went to some better streaming options and thought we escaped it. Now bloody Amazon is running commercials along with those other services before programming. Ugh you just cannot escape them. :frowning:

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Is that for multiple classes? I suspect it’s not hard if you target 1 class. Though those monstrous Highlander decks a couple of patches ago were scary (they seem to need like 12 or 15 legendaries each lol…).

It is for any deck in the game i want to play… so all classes, archetypes, everything.

OK so I guess you imply it’s for multiple decks. Yeah I can see that happening, especially how a couple of months ago everyone and their mom were playing big Highlander decks of a billion leggos each.

Making gold is far easier than when I was free-to-play, and I was only like an expansion behind when I was free-to-play.

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Any class, any archetype. Not talking about 100% of the cards, but high impact cards, which are “remotely” meta for 5-7 classes I play.

For example if I wanted to build class I did not play over past 2 years now, I would need to think about it, as even with 40k dust I am starting year with, with all common and rares, I would probably struggle to do it for each class. That is 40k dust + around 60 packs every set bought for gold.

It really is simple math - there are 22 class legendaries every set (not counting miniset) + 4-5 neutrals. Even with 1/3 of these cards being high impact, it means you want to craft around 6-8 legendaries each set. That itself is around 30k+ dust a year.

So honestly, I cant imagine a world, where you have 30k dust in a year. Building up one class, so you have the best deck in the class in a year consistently is something I can imagine.

But for second class you most likely need 10k dust to build which as a new player will not have (unless being incredibly lucky).

Holy Light, even if you pay their ransom, you can’t escape it for live content. Pure madness.

You can still pay an extra $2.99 on top of the usual for ad free. So it’s more like a second mini-ransom.

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You can still pay an extra $2.99 on top of the usual for ad free. So it’s more like a second mini-ransom.

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When I started as a new player I built my collection slowly. I was able to be competitive with a few select decks, but it took a year for me to get to the point where I could make lots of different decks. It was fun and it was a goal for me to work towards.

For me multiple classes in the same month is excessive (or even multiple archetypes of the same class in the same month), BUT I do want the freedom to change. I hope a combination of not caring in the same month to switch + a rotation would make it easier (sure thing is I’m not paying them unless maybe I find a way to do it with WoW gold).

Oh look I’ve gotten an unauthorized mini me. How cute!

I saw this episode. We have to figure out which one is the REAL you.

Really? As if the real me would have a single digit post count.

But that’s something the FAKE scrot would say!

I’ll just wait, like Spock, for one of you to slip up. But don’t think you’ll be able to sucker punch me that easy…whichever the fake one is.

; )

Whoa…you have a real forum stalker. You must feel extra special now.

At first I didn’t

Then Gom got jealous and yeah okay a little bit

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As I mentioned, the most fun I had when I really had to worry about dust the first year, I could only do elemental mage with Jaina.

But now, when I see deck which looks fun, I simply build it because I can. Probably not highlander DH, because I never cared for DH, so I am missing tons of cards, but in most other classes I can.