Primes? why would you want to use this with primes. They are the worst target having no immediate effecte.
I think this is a straight up tempo card for midrange/agro to play on curve. A very strong card.
It has some combo aplications to get insane value as well but i dont think that will be with primes. Loothoarders maybe,also in mage to get more cheap spells and very big death rattles but those will be kinda slow and grindy. The paladin dragon could be interesting as its so much value,but its slow.
“Face Hunter-style deathrattles with Leper Gnomes and Kobold Sandtroopers, etc. would be funny, but this is probably a little too slow for that sort of deck.”
Yes things like this,maybe mech,s as well for hunter (are they still in standard,they have a few good ones). Eggs for zoo,possibly loothoarders (loothoarders are pretty insane with this) etcetera. I dont think its to slow for such a deck,on the contrary.
No, because they are not innate to the tokens. They will just be 1/1 (undead?) Whelplings.
For those interested, Vectus was a Necromancer and boss in Scholomance, he developed an undead flight of dragon whelplings (hence his ability) and had some VERY flavorful idle text lines about the dragon’s special diet.
With Cataclysm, Scholomance and other vanilla dungeons got revamped/streamlined and he was removed.
I disagree.
- play d/r minions of your choice
- play a 5 mana d/r that spawns two tokens that GAIN a d/r
- let them get killed to gain your fruits of labor
Thats neither aggro nor midrange worthy.
In a Wild N’zoth deck he would be at least questionable cause his d/r doesn’t make much impact. Maybe he’ll shine in a deck with 4-5 more powerfull d/r cards.
Priest will find a way
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probably they will still get the deathrattle without doing nothing, like with “carnivorous cube” and nzoth
I don’t know if anyone said that already, but this looks very good with cursed vagrant 7 mana 7/5 DR: summon a 7/5 with stealth.
That’s a lot of stats and also hard to remove since they have stealth
It’s strong, but no deck runs Cursed Vagrant right now as far as I’m aware. Are you going to run that card just for Vectus synergy? Maybe if Rogue gets a viable DR deck, I know it has a few synergy cards. We need to see the rest of the set.
me hope some deathrattle healing minion will come to combo this …
There is already Khartut.
Lilian has synergy with DR and stealth, so a DR/stealth rogue may exist in the future. Since galakrond is still standard, it would be possible to draw these high cost cards to discount them, but there is also Anka that can be a better galakrond, since it doesn’t need any invoke and it isn’t RNG based on what you draw.
there are still some unrevealed cards, but there are already some cool stuff that synergyes with it: cursed vagrant, lilian, the prime, even waxadred may find a home
Mage can abuse it with Khadgar in standard. There’s that deathrattle for 3 dmg, Kobold Sandtrooper or something. So that’s 12 dmg right there.
This card kind of scares me.
She’s very slow. I’m not sure that will work either. Paladin dragons are very weak too. Probably a bad combo
pretty solid for eggs too, don’t need another trigger to get them killed.
And also good for control warlock, if you wanna get some value deathrattles
I might just legitimately put a thalnos and that 2/1 draw a card just to play a 5 mana 4/4 + 2 1/1 draw ones in wild. Or if it could copy the minion targeted by mindflayer that could be insane, but i doubt the interaction would work based off brann only summoning one.
I could see a combo deck using this just for extra card draw, could be nuts.
This seems really good, even if you are just copying shimmerfly or spellwing, it’s decent stats for its mana with upside.
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It should even work if what you played before got silenced I think.
I tried very hard to make Waxadred work, and it did - sortof. Back before rotation, I had a deck with Waxyboi as the only deathrattle, the combo guy to pull him and gain his DR, and Necrium Vial, Necrium Blade, and Shadow of Death to stuff extra Waxies into the deck.
It was decent against the slower control decks, because they couldn’t deal with four-plus Waxadreds every turn.
Stowaway is a sleeper hit with Waxadred and/or Shadow of Death. Turns into summon two guys, draw two real cards.
This guy might make it playable, but it needs a lot more help. Not being able to trigger the Apothecary deathrattle with a spell or weapon is irksome. Shadow of Death only works on Waxadred himself, not a copied DR.
The first incarnation of the deck was quest-based, it might have to go back to that for defensive purposes.
It’s still jank of the jankiest memery, though.