Treant Druid ? Let’s go Nature Mother! PLANTAE is the best! ; )
Good cards for the treant archetype no doubt. The treant buff does come kinda late,seeing treants are mostly an early game unit.
A lot of people seem to think that, but Treant Druid’s power doesn’t come from early game aggression like an Aggro deck, but the ability to continually refill their board over and over, making defensive trades until they can out-board their opponent entirely. It’s more or less a midrange deck with some burst potential and persistent value.
we have a 8 mana twinspell to summon treants
…how is this an early game card ?
Well, whoa.
Ignoring the whole treant buffing dude…that spell is absolutely the nuts. Premium stats, great tempo, and a good card throughout the game.
These cards make your wood bigger.
If druid gets some kinda sidequest,summon treants or something this is good,floop and elise is here ,only downside kinda slow
It does offer…
Treemendous value!
Treant Druid is one of my favorite archetypes. Now I’m really glad that I pre-ordered the Mega Bundle. Hope to get some golden Druid cards this expansion. Had to craft a golden Malfurion The Pestilent last time around.
Sweet, my token druid deck has more value for the end of the game against control decks to give them a nice and juicy OTK to their face. It does not do much against aggro deck, but my deck never had issue against aggro.
I doubt the legendary will work out. A buildaround card needs to be stronger than that.
The rare looks rather lackluster. But do rememder that token druid used to play a 1 mana 2/2 …
I just realised Mightree doesn’t have synergy with Embiggen. Treants are usually from spell cards or added to the hand like Witchwood Apple.
Yeah, cards for two different archetypes.
Okay, you’re in time out now.
I personally see Goru being used with the Forest’s Aid as a late game threat as opposed to being used in some treant focused deck. Maybe soul of the forest as well in some token deck.